Practical, Theoretical or Mathematical/ design of experimentsFourier seriespolynomials/ orthogonal latin hypercube designsFourier-polynomial modelsLHDcomputer experimentsone-dimensional uniformityquadratic effectsbilinear interactionsfactor screeningLatin hypercube designs (LHDs) are widely used in computer experiments ...
1216Accesses Explore all metrics Abstract Latin hypercube designs (LHDs) are widely used in many applications. As the number of design points or factors becomes large, the total number of LHDs grows exponentially. The large number of feasible designs makes the search for optimal LHDs a difficult...
A randomly generated Latin hypercube design (LHD) can be quite structured: the variables may be highly correlated or the design may not have good space-fllling prop- erties. There are procedures to flnd good LHDs by minimizing the pairwise correlations or maximizing the inter-site distances....
The new LHDs are evaluated through case studies and compared with traditional methods to demonstrate their improved performance.;Keywords: Design of computer experiments; Gaussian process; Latin hypercube design; Screening design; Space-filling design; Multiple objective optimization; Pareto front search ...
A randomly generated Latin hypercube design (LHD) can be quite structured: the variables may be highly correlated or the design may not have good space-,lling prop-erties.There are procedures to,nd good LHDs by minimizing the pairwise correlations or maximizing the inter-site distances. In ...
proposedorthogonalLHD,isoptimalinthesenseofhavingtheminimumvaluesof ave(9t9),t max ,ave(9q9)andq max . &2010ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved. 1.Introduction Latinhypercubedesigns(LHDs),introducedbyMcKayetal.(1979),arepopularforcomputerexperimentsbecausethey allowtheinvestigationoffactorsatmanylevelsinrelati...
LATIN-HYPERCUBE DESIGNOPTIMAL DESIGNSPATIAL PREDICTIONLatin-hypercube designs (Lhd) were considered by Mckay et al. (1979) as designs for computer experiments. Sacks et al. (1989a) and Shewry and Wynn (1987) proposed optimal designs for computer experiments which minimize the integrated mean ...
Latin hypercube designmetamodelsequential samplingSpace-filling and projective properties are probably the two most important features in computer experiment. The existing research works have tried to develop different kinds of sequential Latin hypercube design (LHD) to meet these two properties....
Latin hypercube design (LHD) is one of the most frequently used sampling methods. However, most LHDs generate data samples in a manner that hinders computational efficiency and space-filling performance when high dimensions and large samples are involved. Therefore, a sequential recursive evolution ...
tablish the equivalence between a multistage factorial design with randomization restrictions and geometric structures of PG(p −1, 2). 2.1. Latin hypercube designs Let L(n, d) be an LHDwith n runs in d factors (dimension of input space), where L ij denotes the level of factor j in ...