Optimal Latin hypercube designsKullback–Leibler informationSpace-filling designs are commonly used for selecting the input values of time-consuming computer codes. Computer experiment context implies two constraints on the design. First, the design points should be evenly spread throughout the experimental...
Exploratory analysisLatin hypercube sampling (LHSsequential and non-sequential design algorithmsSummary This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Model ... LJ Wymer - John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 被引量: 5发表: 2007年 加载更多研究点推荐 Exploratory Optimal Latin Hypercube Designs Computer Simulated...
Optimal Experiment Design, Latin HypercubeLatin hypercube sampling Latin hypercube design is a way to generate design points that can spread observations evenly over the range of each input variable. For a Latin hypercube design of size n,...doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-9863-7_1233Ying Hung...
An Optimal Latin Hypercube design (OLH) of experiment used to select 30 cases to be investigated. Genetic Algorithm (GA) was applied to find the optimum solution. A 3D model of COMSOL Multiphysics® is used to find that the optimum fin height is 23.9 mm and the cold lid height is 30...
A larger I-score indicates more precise prediction averaged cross the design space. Provided the design space is a simple geometry, such as the K-dimensional hypercube (as in the problems addressed in this article), the multi-dimensional integral has closed-form and can be computed exactly (...
Block-circulant matrices for constructing optimal Latin hypercube designs Georgiou SD, Stylianou S (2012) Corrigendum to: block-circulant matrices for constructing optimal Latin hypercube designs. J Stat Plan Inference 142:1623-... SD Georgiou,S Stylianou - 《Journal of Statistical Planning & ...
views, programmatic adjacencies, daylight levels, thermal efficiency and costs can be incorporated into complex computer models which, like an ant colony emitting pheromone to find the optimal route through unknown terrain, identify solutions which best meet the objectives established by the design ...
Optimal design strategy of the vane blade with the derivate constrained zone Aiming at the multi-source constrained zone in Fig. 8, it would be then applied into the optimal design system along with the Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) methodology, the Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) analysis, ...
The Latin hypercube design is popular for addressing the integral problem due to its one-dimensional projection property, simpleness, and flexibility [15]. However, the major drawback of these methods is that they rely heavily on the specific form of the symmetric terms, which are generally ...
The Latin-hypercube method [33] was used to select the experimental points. This method is based on the principle of random probability orthogonal distribution. Thus, a response surface model with high precision can be obtained using fewer experimental points. The selected experimental points are sho...