feminine noun III declensionSee the translation of this word FEMININE SINGULAR Nom. iustĭfĭcātĭo Gen. iustificationis Dat. iustificationi Acc. iustificationem Abl. iustificatione Voc. iustĭfĭcātĭo PLURAL Nom. iustificationes Gen. iustificationum Dat. iustificationĭbus Acc. iusti...
The following is a summary of personal pronouns invarious cases. Remember, they are declined according to case, gender and number. So case is an important determinant of what pronoun should be used. You'll see how this works below in the declension table of personal pronouns. Read More A G...
gaude and exulta are singular imperative commands, singular because I am one such, vestra is 2nd declension adjective in agreement with merces, 3rd declension neuter noun it seems, despite an ending which would make a chap plump for masc/fem, both nom. masc. plural. I like quod for becaus...
Verb endings reflect the person and number so clearly that Latin drops the subject pronoun because it seems repetitive and extraneous. For example, the conjugated verb formdamus("we give") tells us this is the first person plural, present tense, active voice, indicative mood of the verbdare("...
Suzanne Shares offers free noun declension charts with pronunciation keys:1st Declension Packet,2nd Declension Packet,3rd Declension Packet,4th Declension Packet, and5th Declension Packet. To practice Latin noun endings, you can go to this interactive site:the Interactive Latin Library site.Click on “...
The vocative form of a noun is the same as the nominative except for second-declension nouns ending in -us. The -us becomes an -e or if it ends in -ius (such as fīlius) then the ending is just -ī (filī) (as distinct from the nominative plural (filiī)). (e.g., “Master!
Recognizedbyitscharacteristic“ns”or“nt”with3rddeclension*“ī”intheabl.sing. laudans,laudantis FuturePassive(Gerundive) Recognizedbyitscharacteristic“nd”with1stand2nddeclensionendings laudandus,-a,-um Participles–Partic.Stem ParticipleStem=PerfectPassiveParticiple=4thprincipalpartofverb ...
neutral noun II declensionSee the translation of this wordNEUTER SINGULAR Nom. abecedarium Gen. abecedarii Dat. abecedario Acc. abecedarium Abl. abecedario Voc. abecedarium PLURAL Nom. abecedaria Gen. abecedariōrum Dat. abecedariis Acc. abecedaria Abl. abecedariis Voc. abeced...
A pronoun stands in for a noun. Apersonal pronounworks like a noun in one of the 3 persons, which are, predictably, numbered 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. InLatin, nouns, pronouns, and adjectives are declined: endings signify the specific use of the pronouns in the sentence. These uses and ending...
Home›Declensions / Conjugations›Iūnōnĭcŏla Declensions / Conjugations latin Search within inflected forms Donazione Iūnōnĭcŏla masculine noun I declension See the translation of this word MASCULINE SINGULAR Nom. Iunonicolă Gen. ...