which are, predictably, numbered 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. InLatin, nouns, pronouns, and adjectives are declined: endings signify the specific use of the pronouns in the sentence. These uses and endings are the "cases." Commonly, there are nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, and ...
3rd Declension Neuter Endings 12個詞語 AP Latin Review Vocabulary: Test 2 (147-168) 老師22個詞語 Chapter 27 Latin Vocabulary 26個詞語 Latin 12個詞語 Latin Stages 1&2 Test 62個詞語 Vergil - Level 6 Vocabulary 老師10個詞語 48-49 51-56 ...
"Aristophanes depictedhimas the son of a greens seller." "His" and "him" are used as the possessor ("his") and as the object ("him"). Latin uses different cases of the same word to show these different (oblique) uses. A full list of these is the declension of that particular pers...
The table below displays the common inflected endings for the indicative mood in the active voice in all six tenses.Tense1st Person Singular2nd Person Singular3rd Person Singular1st Person Plural2nd Person Plural3rd Person Plural Present -ō -s -t -mus -tis -nt Future -bō, -am -bis, -...
gaude and exulta are singular imperative commands, singular because I am one such, vestra is 2nd declension adjective in agreement with merces, 3rd declension neuter noun it seems, despite an ending which would make a chap plump for masc/fem, both nom. masc. plural. I like quod for becaus...
Two Latin irregular case-endings are well-attested in epigraphic sources: the 2nd-declension nominative plural in -eis and the 3rd-declension genitive singular in -us. Although inconsistent with Latin productive inflectional patterns, these two forms can nevertheless be regarded as prototypically...
Suzanne Shares offers free noun declension charts with pronunciation keys:1st Declension Packet,2nd Declension Packet,3rd Declension Packet,4th Declension Packet, and5th Declension Packet. To practice Latin noun endings, you can go to this interactive site:the Interactive Latin Library site.Click on “...
Recognizedbyitscharacteristic“ns”or“nt”with3rddeclension*“ī”intheabl.sing. laudans,laudantis FuturePassive(Gerundive) Recognizedbyitscharacteristic“nd”with1stand2nddeclensionendings laudandus,-a,-um Participles–Partic.Stem ParticipleStem=PerfectPassiveParticiple=4thprincipalpartofverb ...
First Declension; Agreement of Adjectives 3 Second Declension; Masculine Nouns and Adjectives; Word Order 4 Neuters of the Second Declension; Summary of Adjectives; Present Indicative of Sum; Predicate Nouns and Adjectives 5 First and Second Conjugations: Future Indicative Active; Adjectives of the Fir...
Verb endings reflect the person and number so clearly that Latin drops the subject pronoun because it seems repetitive and extraneous. For example, the conjugated verb formdamus("we give") tells us this is the first person plural, present tense, active voice, indicative mood of the verbdare(...