You can specify the locations where the figure (or table) is allowed to be placed by using placement parameters. For example, to put a figure at the bottom of page, you type\begin{figure}[b]. To allow a figure to be placed only at the top of page, write\begin{figure}[t]. To al...
对于划分命令,如\chapter,\section等; 环境,如equation,figure,table,theorem,和列表环境enumerate的各个层级,以及脚注命令\footnote等,都会设置一个引用字符串,该字符串包含当前对象的编号,就像上句例子中的"1",它将放置于我们使用\ref命令的地方。这个字符串在一个对象的开始时生成,在结束时重置。也就是说,第一...
在正文中对图/表/章节的引用可以用如下方式, 注意 Figure/Table/Section 和数字之间的"~": \ldots, as illustrated in Figure~1. \\\ldots, as shown in Figure~2. \\ As Figure~3 illustrates, \ldots \\ Figure~4 shows \ldots \\ Table~1 summarizes \ldots \\\ldots will be discussed in ...
You can specify the locations where the figure (or table) is allowed to be placed by using placement parameters. For example, to put a figure at the bottom of page, you type \begin{figure}[b]. To allow a figure to be placed only at the top of page, write ...
所有的图表都要有题目, 图的题目要写在图的下方, 而表的题目要写在表格的上方。图表的题目是一句话, 所以要以句号"."结尾。在正文中对图/表/章节的引用可以用如下方式, 注意 Figure/Table/Section 和数字之间的"~": \ldots, as illustrated in Figure~1. \\\ldots, as shown in Figure~2. \\ ...
Table~1 summarizes ldots ldots will be discussed in Section~1. ldots, as described in Section~2. 在实际写文章时, 所有的引用 (figure, table, equation, section) 都应该用 ref 来管理, 这样编号可以自动生成, 免去手工调整编号的烦恼。
在figure(table类似)环境中,先写caption{}再写label{},也就是说,一定要把label{}放在caption{}后面。 2.算法命令\REQUIRE和\ENSURE显示为Input:和Output: \usepackage{algorithm} 宏包,在tex文中写伪代码时遇到的问题: (1)首先在导言区加入语句:
Usually with \begin{figure} or \begin{table} i.e. floats, the default placement identifier is [btp], which means LaTeX is allowed to place the figure at the bottom of the page/column; top of the page/column; or if the float is quite tall (including the...