LaTeX is smart enough to retrieve the correct numbers for all your images automatically. Note that you will need to include the graphicx package in order to use this code. Image positioning / setting the float At some point, you will notice that the figure doesn’t necessarily show up in ...
The major drawback of this approach is that it requires a complete LaTeX collection to create a pdf version of the figure, which can than be converted afterwards in the target format using ghostscript. The code is hosted at Cite As Matthias Pospiech...
Create your 2D, multiple axes plot, and then convert it to a LaTeX .tex file. Then, include the .tex file in your thesis or paper using pstricks. The code uses the data contained in the figure window, so as long as you can create your 2D plot, it should be converted to a .tex ...
I want to put plot 5 figures in a specific way like this: For this I use the following code in LaTeX: \begin{figure}[h!] \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=empty} \begin{minipage}[b]{.3\linewidth} \vspace*{-2cm} \centering \subfloat[Figure 1]{\includegraphics[scale=0.3]{figure1...
I have some hard time setting my appendix pages in latex. They are in landscape since there's big images in it, and i'm resizing the page (because the images are really big). Here is my code: \documentclass{wissdoc} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{ams...
I am design a figure on latex overleaf. the figure shall contain multi images as above. i used this code as it is required for a conference paper. i faced a problem with the first image , the mirgin of this image looks different and wider than the others. can some one help me to ...
The LaTeX writer uses longtable which automatically bumps LaTeX's table counter specifically. (It would be nice if longtable* were used in caption-less tables in LaTeX, but that's a different story) The explicit choice to not use #figure() allows the resulting code to not have the ...
Create your 2D, multiple axes plot, and then convert it to a LaTeX .tex file. Then, include the .tex file in your thesis or paper using pstricks. The code uses the data contained in the figure window, so as long as you can create your 2D plot, it should be converted to a .tex ...
Question 3: Which other methods can be used for forced figure placement in text other than float?Minipage, center and adjustbox can be used as an alternative to float if the desired figure location is the same as its place in the LaTeX code.Recent...
I'm sorry if this question sounds a bit naive, I'm quite new to LateX. I'm using \autoref to cross-reference figures. I've used this command to personalize the appearance of it: \renewcommand{\figureautorefname}{\textsf{Fig.\negthinspace}} So it appears like "Fig. X.X" My prob...