For example, you can get a section without a number using the following command:
SVN) or distributed (e.g. git, Mercurial) system. Distributed systems have a number of advantages and, as far as I can tell, no disadvantages for use with LaTeX. For one thing, you can use them without setting up a server to just work with single-author projects...
加公式末尾加 \nonumber
Table~1 summarizes \ldots \\\ldots will be discussed in Section~1. \\\ldots, as described in Section~2. 在实际写文章时, 所有的引用 (figure, table, equation, section) 都应该用 ref 来管理, 这样编号可以自动生成, 免去手工调整编号的烦恼。
number = (\chinese{subsection}), format = {\zihao{5}\heiti\raggedright}}} \RequirePackage{titlesec} \titlespacing*{\section}{0pt}{9pt}{4pt} 5. 选择题选项格式设置 %% ===选择题选项格式设置=== \usepackage{tasks}%选择题宏包,tasks环境 % \settasks...
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{4}:secnum即section number,表示章节编号的深度 其中的数字3和4表示深度,具体数字的含义如下: -1 part 0 chapter 1 section 2 subsection 3 subsubsection 4 paragraph 5 subparagraph 例子: \documentclass{article} \setcounter{tocdepth}{4} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{4} \begin{...
在实际写文章时, 所有的引用 (figure, table, equation, section) 都应该用 ref 来管理, 这样编号可以自动生成, 免去手工调整编号的烦恼。 数学环境 LaTeX 自身只提供最基本的数学符号和环境, 因此我们在需要书写数学公式时, 通常在引言区导入 amsmath 包: ...
(#3468) Parse page number in fullbox logs. (#3488) Add pageBorderColor config for pdf viewer. Changed Copy href to clipboard instead of directly opening when clicking on embedded internal PDF viewer. (#3444) view.outline configs are now responsive without vscode reload. Fixed Enable comp...
如果我们想在页眉或页脚上只显示节编号而不显示章编号,如显示3 软件介绍而不是1.3 软件介绍则可以参考Get sectionmark in fancyhdr without chapter number。如: \documentclass{book} \usepackage[a6paper]{geometry} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \usepackage{lipsum} ...