Let’s begin with a basic example to demonstrate the\section{section title}command, which marks the beginning of a new section calledsection title. Section numbering is automatic and can be customized, or disabled. \documentclass{article}\usepackage{blindtext}\title{Sections and Chapters}\author{Ov...
The numbering of sections, subsections etc. is automatic but can be disabled by using the so-called starred version of the appropriate command which has an asterisk (*) at the end, such as \section*{...} and \subsection*{...}. Collectively, LaTeX document classes provide the following...
%\graphicspath{{figs/}{figsgaoerb/}} % 读取图片从figs/文件夹中读取,而不是当前文件夹 \renewcommand{\theequation}{S\arabic{equation}}% This line ads "S" in front of your equation numbering.这是用于补充材料中。使得补充材料中公式编号从S1开始。 \renewcommand{\thefigure}{S\arabic{figure}}% T...
Nowadays it’s usually possible to directly input the punctuation characters as Unicode characters, and LaTeX supports that (see previous section). But even today, it can still often be useful to use the ASCII ligature input form; for example, the difference between an en-dash and em-dash, ...
Let's start with a caption example: \begin{figure}[h]\caption{Example of a parametric plot ($\sin(x),\cos(x), x$)}\centering\includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{spiral}\end{figure} It's really easy, just add the\caption{Some caption}and inside the braces write the text to be sho...
在短文 ctexart中,我们使用 section为段落编号,更细一层的分段使用subsection。 3.3 插入公式 数学公式的简洁美观是 LaTeX最重要的特色之一。LaTeX 中插入公式有两种方式:一种是行内公式,直接用美元符号 $ 将公式首末包围起来即可;另一种是单行公式,要用equation 「环境」来定义。代码如下所示: \section{公式示例...
leqno Places the numbering of formulas on the left hand side instead of the right. titlepage, notitlepage Specifies whether a new page should be started after the document title or not. The article class does not start a new page by default, while report and book do. ...
7.1Page numbering In books, is customary to use Roman numerals for the pages before the first chapter/section, and Arabic numbers for the rest of the document. There are two commands available in the book document class that accomplish this: ...
\begin{algorithm}[H] \SetAlgoLined \KwData{this text} \KwResult{how to write algorithm with \LaTeX2e } initialization\; \While{not at end of this document}{ read current\; \eIf{understand}{ go to next section\; current section becomes this one\; }{ go back to the beginning of curr...
The layout is therefore mentioned at every section and subsection. You should insert\sectionand\subsectionthroughout the presentation and out of the frames: \section{Name_of_the_section}\begin{frame}...\end{frame}...\section{Name_of_the_section}\subsection{Name_of_the_subsection}\begin{frame...