\newtheorem{theorem}{定理}[section] 其中{theorem}是环境的名称,{定理}设置了该环境显示的名称是“定理”,[section]的作用是让theorem环境在每个section中单独编号。在正文中,用如下方式来加入一条定理: \begin{theorem}[定理名称] 这里是定理的内容. \end{theorem} 其中[定理名称]不是必须的。另外,我们还可以...
This prevents placing floats before a section.https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/279/how-do-i-ensure-that-figures-appear-in-the-section-theyre-associated-withhttps://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/32598/force-latex-image-to-appear-in-the-section-in-which-its-declared 16.6A double column flo...
Let’s begin with a basic example to demonstrate the\section{section title}command, which marks the beginning of a new section calledsection title. Section numbering is automatic and can be customized, or disabled. \documentclass{article}\usepackage{blindtext}\title{Sections and Chapters}\author{Ov...
Step 5:设置试卷大题标题格式(打分表格),在导言区加入: \ctexset{section = {name = {,、\hspace*{-5mm}},number = \chinese{section},format = {\vspace{4mm}\zihao{4}\heiti\raggedright}}} \ctexset{subsection = {name = {\hspace{5mm},\hspace*{-1mm}},number = (\chinese{subsection}),fo...
Nowadays it’s usually possible to directly input the punctuation characters as Unicode characters, and LaTeX supports that (see previous section). But even today, it can still often be useful to use the ASCII ligature input form; for example, the difference between an en-dash and em-dash, ...
7.1Page numbering In books, is customary to use Roman numerals for the pages before the first chapter/section, and Arabic numbers for the rest of the document. There are two commands available in the book document class that accomplish this: ...
Biblatex allows high customization of the bibliography section with little effort. It was mentioned that several citation styles and bibliography styles are available, and you can also create new ones. Another customization option is to change the default title of the bibliography section. \documentc...
\section{Another section} \end{document} produces a document whose table of contents is the one shown below; as you can see, the numbering of the pages, in this case, is done withroman numerals. A LaTeX document whose pages are numbered using roman numerals ...
Biblatex allows high customization of the bibliography section with little effort. It was mentioned that severalcitation stylesandbibliography stylesare available, and you can also create new ones. Another customization option is to change the default title of the bibliography section. ...
\section{Introduction}%第一节引言(机器自动编号) {\bf Theorem 1.} {\it For any fixed $\rho>0$,we have $$||R(u,\rho)||\leq ||R_1(u,\rho)||\leq2||R(u,\rho)||,~~~\forall u\in H. \eqno(10)$$ Hence, (2) and (3) are equivalent forany fixed$\rho>0$.} ...