IFTHEN: 排版计算机程序 \columnsep 指定两栏间距 \columnseprule 两栏间竖线宽度,默认为0。 \mathindent 选择fleqn时 左边界的缩进量 以上参数修改用\setlength{\mathindent}{2.5cm} LaTeX的一个页面有页眉(head, 通常是杂志名, 卷号, 当前 章节名等), 主体(body, 正文, 包括脚注及图表), 页脚(通常...
换行: 可以使用`\\`强制换行 2. `if-then-else` Statement \IF{<condition>} <text> \ENDIF \IF{<condition>} <text1> \ELSE <text2> \ENDIF \IF{<condition1>} <text1> \ELSIF{<condition2>} <text2> \ELSE <text3> \ENDIF 3. `for` Loop \FOR{<condition>} <text> \ENDFOR \FORALL{<...
% \draw (2.5,2.5) node {(\xloM,\xlom,\ylo,\xhiM,\xhim,\yhi)}; \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\xij pt > \xloM pt} \AND \lengthtest{\xij pt < \xhiM pt} \AND \lengthtest{\yij pt > \yloM pt} \AND \lengthtest{\yij pt < \yhiM pt}}{ \filldraw[fill=major,draw] (tri c...
*If you are in love with a style not at our store yet, please email and we'd be glad to provide custom tailor service for you. Features: 1. Material: 100% Natural latex piece. 2. Can be tailor-made according to the size of the customer, Please provide the height, bust, waist, ...
if \qif then \qthen else \qelse otherwise \qotherwise unless \qunless given \qgiven using \qusing assume \qassume let \qlet for \qfor all \qall even \qeven odd \qodd integer \qinteger and \qand or \qor as \qas in \qin 导数Derivatives dx \differential{ } dx \dd{ } d3x \...
If you have a multi-file project, seemulti-files-projectsfor more details on how the root file is discovered. You can define several compiling toolchains to build LaTeX projects usingLaTeX recipesand then call the commandBuild with recipeto choose the appropriate toolchain for actually building the...
颜色 小型数学公式 强制使用PNG 函数、符号及特殊字符 声调 函数 同余 微分 集合 逻辑 根号 关系符号 几何符号 箭头符号 特殊符号 上标、下标及 积分 等 分数 、 矩阵 和多行列式 字体 希腊字母 斜体小写希腊字母一般用于在方程中显示变量。 正体希腊字母
Please follow the instructions about How to Measure, and give us your sizes. There may be slight size difference, but we will follow your sizes strictly in the tailor process. Please don't buy if you are allergic to latex. Tips for Wear: Try to avoid the scrub by fingernails when wear...
32. \While{$i<middle$ \textbf{and} $j<right$} 33. \If{$Array[i]<Array[j]$} 34. \State $B[k++]\gets Array[i++]$ 35. \Else 36. \State $B[k++] \gets Array[j++]$ 37. \State $result \gets result + (middle - i)$ ...
If LaTeX is invoked via the system command pdflatex, among other commands (see TeX engines), then the main output is a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. Typically this is a self-contained file, with all fonts and images included. LaTeX always produces at least two additional files. ...