\newcommand{\algorithmicif}{\textbf{if}} \newcommand{\algorithmicthen}{\textbf{then}} \newcommand{\algorithmicelse}{\textbf{else}} \newcommand{\algorithmicelsif}{\algorithmicelse\ \algorithmicif} \newcommand{\algorithmicendif}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicif} \newcommand{\algorithmicfor}{\textbf{for}...
5 \ENSURE Something... %输出结果(此处的ENSURE默认关键字为Ensure在上面已自定义为Output)% if-then-else\IF{some condition is true}\STATE do some processing\ELSIF{some other condition is true}\STATE do some different processing\ELSE\STATE do the default actions\ENDIF% for loop\FOR{$i=0$ to ...
% \draw (2.5,2.5) node {(\xloM,\xlom,\ylo,\xhiM,\xhim,\yhi)}; \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\xij pt > \xloM pt} \AND \lengthtest{\xij pt < \xhiM pt} \AND \lengthtest{\yij pt > \yloM pt} \AND \lengthtest{\yij pt < \yhiM pt}}{ \filldraw[fill=major,draw] (tri c...
i);\\|newline|()\OD%\rcomment{This text will be set flush to the right margin}\WHERE\PROC|expt|(x,n)\BODYz:=1;\DO\IFn=0\THEN\EXIT\FI;\DO\IF|odd|(n)\THEN\EXIT\FI;\COMMENT{This is a comment statement};
\addvspace{长度}:The\addvspace command normally adds a vertical space of height length. However, ifvertical space has already been added to the same point in the output by aprevious \addvspace command, then this command will not add more space thanneeded to make the natural length of the ...
如果要显示算法标题(包括“Algorithm n: ”部分),需要加入一行 \caption{标题} 4 代码示例 4.1 这里主要有两类注释,一类是 \tcp,显示为 //(comments);一类是 \tcc,显示为 /*(comments)*/。if-then 语句有几种常见用法(还有其他的,这里不列出来):① 最基础:\If{A}{B\;},显示...
Selection相关:\If, \Then, \Else, \ElseIf, \ElseNoIf Jumps相关:\Return, \Error, \Goto Multithreading相关:\Spawn, \Sync, \Parfor Comments相关:\Comment(注释"//"),\RComment(右对齐注释),\CommentSymbol(注释符号) Indentation相关:\Indentmore(增加缩进),\Startalign(后续行从指定字符串开始对齐),\...
\caption{排序算法} \label{alg:quick_sort} \begin{algorithmic} \REQUIRE 输入数组 $A \ENSURE 输出有序数组 $A \STATE $p \gets 0 \STATE $q \gets |A| \WHILE{$p < q$} \STATE $i \gets p \STATE $j \gets q \WHILE{$i < j$} \REPEAT \STATE $j \gets j - 1 \IF{...
27. {$l$\hspace*{-1pt}\textacutedbl}$=L$ //if we need to judge whether $(11)$ is true then {$l$\hspace*{-1pt}\textacutedbl} denotes $L|_{t-1}$\; 28. \For{ each $A_{i_jr}^{{j}}(1\le j\le N,1\le i_j\le I_j,1\le r\le R)$ } ...