编号的方程式 - equation 多公式有编号 - align 多公式无编号 - align* 多公式无编号 单方程式多行写 方程组 数学公式的艺术性 参考资料: 在学习GeoGebra过程中以及在知乎上写数学方面的文章,排版时均需用到LaTeX公式。 GeoGebra和知乎都内置了最基本的LaTeX语言,具体使用过程中我们发现远远不够。我在排版过程中...
In equation (1), there is hardly any space between the number and the unit. LaTeX has thought that you want to multiply 500 times “MHz” and thus it removes all spaces you write here. To force a visible space, use command\,. Here is the final fixed content of the equation, which ...
\end{equation} % equation环境:用以生成带编号的公式 \end{document} 三、Latex的字体字号设置 (1)latex中的字体属性 (2)相关设置 %导言区 \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{ctex} \newcommand{\myfront}{\textbf{\textsf{Fancy Text}}} % 为减少代码数量,可使用自定义命令 %正文区(文稿区) \...
In equation (1), there is hardly any space between the number and the unit. LaTeX has thought that you want to multiply 500 times “MHz” and thus it removes all spaces you write here. To force a visible space, use command \,. Here is the final fixed content of the ...
Officially a dash is three times as long as a dot. But there’s also a space equal to the length of a dot between parts of a letter. So the sheet music above would be more accurate if you imagined all the sixteenth notes are staccato and the dotted eighth notes are really eighth not...
Put equation numbers on the left side of equations; default is the right side. openbib Use “open” bibliography format. titlepage notitlepage Specifies whether there is a separate page for the title information and for the abstract also, if there is one. The default for the report class...
(#1853) Accept white space between dirs in \graphicspath. (#1860) Accept subdirectories when using subfiles. (#1863) Refactor latexindent detection. [8.4.2] - 2019-11-27 Added (#1819) Add an open on the left mode for the viewer tab, controlled by view.pdf.tab.editorGroup. (#1...
Schrodinger’s equation governs the time evolution of quantum states. It says that the time dependence of a state $\ket{\psi}$ is given by \[\hat H \ket{\psi} = i\hbar \frac{\partial{}}{\partial t} \ket{\psi}\] where $\hat H$ is the Hamiltonian of the system....
2.9 方程式编号 Equation numbering本页面可采用开启AMS宏包的方式获得方程自动编号,AMS拓展包的具体开启方式请参考2.11.4。默认自动编号只在部分环境中起作用,如{equation}、{eqnarray}等,例如:在AMS包开启状态下,会在公式后进行自动编号:\begin{eqnarray} E = mc^2 \\ e^{i\pi}+1=0 \end{eqnarray} $$ ...
and choose the width accordingly. The nomenclature entries have rather much vertical space between them. This can be changed by adding one of the following lines to your preamble: ;;No extra skip \setlength{\nomitemsep}{-\parsep} ;; Set to 1cm ...