\qquad \label{1} \end{equation} 效果(注意CSDN不严格支持latex,所以网页上可能显示不出来 :-( 公式中的大括号 C=\left\{ \begin{array}{lr} \frac{1}{2} \quad (x=0) \\ \\1\quad (x \ne0) \end{array} \right 对齐方式 以等号对齐 \begin{align*} 1 + 2&=3-1+1-1+1\\ 1*2*3...
As shown in figure, two spaces need to be added around inline equation. However, only the second space was correctly added correctly. The minimum working example is, \documentclass{article}\usepackage{ctex}\usepackage{markdown}\markdownSetup{%texMathDollars=true, }\begin{document}\begin{markdow...
To remove random unwanted space in LaTeX-style maths in matplotlib plot, we can use \! which will reduce the extra spacing. Lets take an example and understand how it works. We will have two sub-plots and then we will add a complex mathematical equation (using LaTex) in a textbox in ...
You might think that doing research in math is a solo endeavor. Why do you need friends? Well, you find out what is going on from your friends. In fact, mathematical research is quite a social activity. The friends that you have made through mathematics are friends for a life time. You...
wedeter-mineallproper-biharmonicHopfcylindersoverhomogeneousrealhypersur-facesincomplexprojectivespaces.1.IntroductionAsdefinedbyEellsandSampsonin[14],harmonicmapsf:(M,g)→(N,h)arethecriticalpointsoftheenergyfunctionalE(f)=12 M df 2vgandtheyaresolutionsoftheassociatedEuler-Lagrangeequationτ(f)=traceg...
In this paper, a real-time PTO force control optimization method is proposed based on model predictive control (MPC). Firstly, the dynamic model of the buoy is built based on the Cummins equation. Secondly, the additional penalty terms which may make the optimization problem convex are ...
The TikZ library is simply a wrapper that takes the user's input, converts it into the right format for the \LaTeX3 code, and then calls that code to generate the path. The ``quick'' version does not use \LaTeX3 and relies instead on the \Verb+PGFMath+ library for the computation...
But when I delete the "text text text" line, the math block just stay in the same position, and the extra space is really annoying between the section title and the block. I really want to control space between title, text and equation, but it seems to be really hard. math-mode spa...
I would like to ask you on how to give some space (yellow highlighted) inside an equation as below screenshot. This is the code in overleaf with TeX Live version 2022. \documentclass[journal]{IEEEtran} \usepackage{mathtools} \begin{document} \begin{equation} \label{eq:R2} R_2(i) =...
Coming to your final question, there are indeed differences, in terms of the vertical space above display-math material, depending on whether \[ ... \], \begin{equation} ... \end{equation} or one of the amsmath multiline equation environments such as align and gather are used. For more...