这里介绍另一种我经常使用的方法,即使用changes包直接在Tex文件添加修改痕迹[2],这种方法特别适用于在线共同编辑(比如Overleaf)的模式。 在TeX文件导言区添加changes包并做一些配置,如下: \usepackage{changes}\usepackage{lipsum}% <- For dummy text\definechangesauthor[name={David J.W. Hu}, color=blue]{davi...
TeXstudio里自带的宏包changes可以很方便的实现修订痕迹保留,以及前后版本对比。 整体演示代码如下所示: \documentclass{article}\usepackage{changes}%使用changes宏包%\usepackage[final]{changes} %禁用修订,输出最终修订完成的版本\definechangesauthor[name={Author1}, color=red]{A1}%修订作者1\definechangesauthor...
the colour to use and the text whose colour is changed. In the example the word easily is printed in red \colorbox{BurntOrange}{this text} Changes the background colour of the text passed as second parameter. In the ...
Engineering changes. Hold PDF refresh only when building Fixed Fix a !LW recipe not found fallback issue. (#4063) Parse \item args for env pairs. (#4068) Respect latexmk+subfile when creating output subfolders. (#4069) Scan for label={...} as the second argument of an environment. (...
instance, you can change to orange the background of\colorbox{BurntOrange}{this text} and then continue typing.\end{document} There are a few changes in this example compared to the one presented in theintroduction. First, the command to import thecolorpackage has two additional parameters: ...
\textcolor{red}{easily}: Changes the color of inline text. This command takes two parameters, the color to use and the text whose color is changed. In the example the wordeasilyis printed inred. \colorbox{BurntOrange}{orange background}: Changes the background color of the text passed in...
参考 ^https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Articles/Using_Latexdiff_For_Marking_Changes_To_Tex_...
\documentclass{article}\usepackage{changes}\definechangesauthor[name={Per cusse}, color=orange]{per...
\usepackage{changes} %宏包 \definechangesauthor[name={Shuer}, color=orange]{S.} % 设置批注人的名字 基本语句 1)\added{要添加的文字} 2)\deleted{要删除的文字} 2)\replaced{要新添的文字}{原文字} 带注释的选项 \added[id=S.,comment={notation}]{new words}%id 对应已经设置的批注人的名字 ...
(#1191) QoL changes to make log messages better. (#1192) Literate haskell. Changed (#1180) A complete rework of killing LaTeX mechanism. (#1155) Use workspace directory as cwd in external build command. Fixed Fix list of suggestions for surrounding text. Capture footnote content as ent...