Blinken: It's "decisive moment" in Mideast cease-fire talks Mediators have spent months trying to halt the fighting, efforts that gained new urgency amid rising fears of an all-out war across the Middle East. Aug 19, 2024 Mummy with shrieking expression may have "died screaming from agony...
Archaeologists find the oldest non-royal mummy ever discovered in Egypt The mummy of an ancient Egyptian named Hekashepes represents two remarkable firsts, but it wasn't the lead scientist's favorite discovery at Saqqara this week. Jan 26, 2023 Mummies of children unearthed in Peru. They...
Authorities say a roadside bomb has struck a vehicle carrying coal miners in restive southwest Pakistan, killing nine people and wounding some others February 14 The scent of the mummy. Research discovers ancient Egyptian remains smell nice Researchers who sniffed mummified remains in the name of sci...
Their quest will involve the death-defying hijack of a mountaintop railway in China... A midnight expedition to Stonehenge... A headlong chase across the deserts of Egypt... And a trek into the dark realm of an Ancient tribe forgotten by time... With only the riddles of ancient writers ...
The latest and most surprising discovery is pieces of silk found in the hair of and Egyptian mummy fromabout 1000 BC long before regular traffic on the Silk Road and at least one thousand years before silk waspreviously thought to be used in Egypt. Other research may extend human activity al...
Follow in the footsteps of your favourite on-screen characters on a ‘set-jetting’ adventure — be it from the lush terraces of a Thai resort or in the deep, dark wilds of Peru.