Schuenemann, V., Peltzer, A., Welte, al.Ancient Egyptian mummy genomes suggest an increase of Sub-Saharan African ancestry in post-Roman periods.Nat Commun8, 15694 (2017). Download citation
The resultingCT imagesrevealed that the coffin held the remains of a tiny skeleton, which the researchers left undisturbed. "CT imaging has been used successfully by the museum for several projects in recent years, but this is our most successful find so far," Dr. Tom Turmezei, recently an...
The article reports that recently archaeologists in Cairo unveiled a well-preserved, newly discovered 2300-year-old mummy which may be the most beautiful mummy ever found in Egypt. It was found 2 months ago in the Saqqara pyramids complex, 20 kilometers south of Cairo, in the necropolis of ...
Whether ground up as medicine or on display at 'unwrapping parties,' Egyptian mummies fascinated Europeans, giving rise to what's known as Egyptomania.
The latest and most surprising discovery is pieces of silk found in the hair of and Egyptian mummy fromabout 1000 BC long before regular traffic on the Silk Road and at least one thousand years before silk waspreviously thought to be used in Egypt. Other research may extend human activity al...
Like the Edwin Smith Papyrus, the Ebers Papyrus came into the possession of Edwin Smith in 1862. The source of the papyrus is unknown, but it was said to have been found between the legs of a mummy in the Assassif district of the Theban necropolis. ...
- Superwoman or Yummy Mummy -Who's Happier? 被引量: 0发表: 0年 [Tuberculosis in ancient Egypt]. Tuberculosis has been identified using PCR in nearly a third of the Egyptian mummies recently examined. Spoligotyping has made it possible to re-evaluate ... B Ziskind,B Halioua - 《Revue Des...
Archaeologists at the site recently discovered a network of vertical shafts leading to a network of tunnels and tombs containing 40 mummies “believed to be part of the noble elite.” In one of those, a limestone sarcophagus holding a 3,000-year-old mummy is to be opened during the show....
the tendency was to neglect those of the remote past and to concentrate attention on those of the more recently deceased. Thus the living inhabitant of ancient Egypt, with all the faith he placed in the preservation of his own mummy, was constantly faced with the anomaly of neglected and des...
are but of yesterday, compared to the age of the mummy which I have had the honor of bringing under the notice of the Society. Indeed the art soon began to decline among the Egyptians themselves, and the mummies found in the hypogei which bear evidence of having been more recently erected...