Background: Modern developments in microscopic endodontics have included Dental Operating Microscope (DOM), ultrasonics, piezo technology, CBCT, digital imaging and scanning, laser endodontics, and nanotechnology. Aim: This narrative review also assesses the diagnostic efficiency, treatment...
In recent times, many fields of dentistry have used these newly developed materials: implantology, prosthesis, restorative dentistry, orthodontics, and endodontics. However, this production often presents a lack of reliable scientific research, and, unfortunately, clinicians tend to make use of ...
INTRODUCTION: ‘A clean tooth never decays’was a forceful proverb in the early years of oral hygiene promotion. As we commence a new millennium the prospect of maintaining the natural dentition in relative health for a lifetime is a reasonable and achievable goal. There are several general rea...
This accessory cusp shows increased predilection for males and the maxilla2, 3.Reported review of literature has shown that talon cusp exhibits a prevalence of 75% in the permanent dentition compared to 25% in the primary dentition3.The prevalence of talon cusp varies considerably between different...