Journal of Endodontics Editors: Hargreaves, Kenneth M., DDS, PhD Publisher: Elsevier 2023 Journal Impact Factor: 3.5 (Journal Citation Report, Web of Science Group) ISSN: 0099-2399 Print/PDF Request Info Add to Ovid Subscription Register for Etoc Alerts ...
The Journal of Endodontics, the official journal of the American Association of Endodontists, publishes scientific articles, case reports and comparison studies evaluating materials and methods of pulp conservation and endodontic treatment. Endodontists and general dentists can learn about new concepts in ro...
The Journal has an impact factor of 1.933, the highest of any journal in the specialty (2005 Journal Citation Index). 中文简介:(来自Google、百度翻译) 《牙髓学杂志》是美国牙髓医师协会的官方期刊,发表科学论文、病例报告和比较研究,评估牙髓保存和牙髓治疗的材料和方法。根管医生和普通牙医可以在一本...
Journal of Endodontics Journal of Endodontics Order journal About the journal Official journal of theAmerican Association of Endodontists TheJournal of Endodontics, the official journal of theAmerican Association of Endodontists, publishes scientific articles, case reports and comparison studies evaluating ...
ENDODONTICSDENTISTRYDENTAL pulp diseasesENDODONTISTSDENTAL journalismThe European Endodontic Journal (EEJ) has established itself as a reputable outlet for high-quality publications in the field of Endodontology. The journal has improved its ranking in the CiteScore indices and achieved an...
Proceedings of the Joint Symposium Sponsored by the American Academy Of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Association Of Endodontists - Emerging Science in Pulp Therapy: New Insights Into Dilemmas and Controversies Edited by Gerald N. Glickman DSS, MS-Department of Endodontics, Baylor College of De...
Translational Biomedicine, Journal of Clinical & Experimental Orthopaedics, Journal of Orthodontics & Endodontics, CiOS Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery, Orthopedic Clinics of North America, CiOS Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery, Orthopedic Clinics of North America, CiOS Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery Stem Cell Tr...
material on all topics related to Dentistry, Orthodontics, Endodontics, Public Health Dentistry, Dental Engineering, Restorative Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry, Dental Bonding, Dental Cavities, Dental Materials, Osseointegration, Dental pedagogy and all other fields which fall under the scope of Dental ...
JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS《牙髓病学杂志》 Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry《口腔美容与修复学杂志》 Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice《循证牙科实践杂志》 JOURNAL OF ORAL & FACIAL PAIN AND HEADACHE《口腔及面部疼痛与头痛杂志》 JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY《口腔颌面外科杂志》...
Clinical application of calcium silicate-based bioceramics in endodontics Pulp treatment is extremely common in endodontics, with the main purpose of eliminating clinical symptoms and preserving tooth physiological function. However, the effect of dental pulp treatment is closely re... Authors: ...