The lateral step-up can also be done as a step-down by starting at the top and lowering to the bottom without fully supporting with the down leg. Programming The lateral step-up can be a primary leg strength exercise for an athlete who’s experienced and strong enough to use it as ...
More recent protocols have incorporated closed kinetic chain (CKC) activities (distal segment is fixed) such as squats, step-ups, and the leg press (9,22,26) for quadriceps strengthening. Frequently, the lateral step-up exercise is used during rehabilitation of lower extremity injuries (1,6,...
The push to base is a great exercise to showcase the ability to generate the power and coordinate the body to create a movement to cover the most area possible. REPS: 5 Sets of 32. Lateral ShuffleThe lateral shuffle focuses on covering ground quickly and powerfully with that first step....
In Lateral step up exercise, step up phase, produced significantly greater activity than step down, phase. In forward step up exercise, step up phase produced significantly greater activity than step down phase except for Biceps femoris. This result of this study are discussed with respect to ...
The shoulder is a tricky piece of machinery, and if poor technical habits are engrained, they may lead to an increased risk of injury. Let’s give you the rundown on performing this exercise perfectly. Step 1 — Find the Starting Position ...
Sets: 2 to 3 Time: 10 to 15 seconds Find: Your Next Race Stand so the box or raised surface is on your right side. Take a lateral step up onto the box and push down through your right foot so you're standing up straight on the box. Pause for 1 to 2 seconds and return to the...
2. Lateral Step-Up Samantha Rothberg Why it works: “This exercise is strengthening the lateral glute muscles, which can help prevent hip and knee misalignment in runners and help you resist lateral forces as you move forward,” Rothberg says. “Focus on isolating the top leg without driving ...
Purpose: To analyze vastus medialis obliquus (VMO) and vastus lateralis (VL) muscle activity during the concentric and eccentric phases of a lateral step-up exercise. Design: Repeated-measures. Dependent variable: the integrated electromyogram measured as a percentage of the maximal voluntary isometric...
Lateral Raises: Step-by-Step Instructions Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart, holding a pair at dumbbells at arms’ length by your sides, palms facing inward. Maintaining a slight bend in your elbows, raise your arms directly out to your sides until they’re at shoulder level (your...
A laterally sliding exercise device includes a base with rails that receive a foot platform. The rails are supported by a center support member that can be adjusted up and down resulting in a change in elevation of first ends of the rails. The change in elevation of the rails changes the ...