R语言潜类别混合效应模型(Latent Class Mixed Model ,LCMM)分析老年痴呆年龄数据,链接:http://tecdat.cn/?p=247出处:拓端数据部落公众号背景和定义线性混合模型假设N个受试者的群体是
manifestvariablesaremutuallyindependentofeachother.Thismodelcanbeexpressed using(unconditional)probabilitiesofbelongingtoeachlatentclass,andconditional responseprobabilitiesasparameters.Forexample,inthecaseof4nominalmanifest variablesA,B,C,andDwehave: XD
Latent Class Model
More than 20 years later, Goodman (1974) made this model applicable in practice by developing an algorithm for obtaining maximum likelihood estimates of the model parameters, as well as proposed extensions for polytomous manifest variables and did important work on the issue of model identification. ...
Based on this model, we propose a laten- t class model-i-vector-probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (LCM-Ivec-PLDA) system. Besides, as the divided segments are very short, their neighbors are taken into consideration. To overcome the initial sensitivity problem, we use an agglomera- ...
潜在类别模型(Latent Class Model, LCM; Lazarsfeld & Henry, 1968)或潜在类别分析(Latent Class Analysis, LCA)是通过间断的潜变量即潜 在类别(Class)变量来解释外显指标间的关联,使外显指标间的关联通过潜在类别变量来估计,进而维持其局部独立性的统计方法(见图11)。其基本假设是,外显变量各种反应的概率分布可以...
With a latent-class model, each individual belongs to a single latent class, which determines the person's set of response probabilities for the observed, or manifest, variables. A more general model, proposed herein, adds a single parameter and involves drawing, separately and independently for ...
As an example, we used the LC cluster model to develop a segmentation of current bank customers based upon the types of accounts they have. Separate models were developed specifying different numbers of clusters and the model selected was the one that had the lowest BIC statistic. This criteria...
A simulation study was conducted to determine whether latent class model parameters are recovered adequately by Latent Transition Analysis (LTA). Results indicate that parameter recovery is satisfactory overall and that the benefits of adding indicators outweigh the costs. Additional indicators also improve...
R语言潜类别混合效应模型(Latent Class Mixed Model ,LCMM)分析老年痴呆年龄数据,链接:http://tecdat.cn/?p=247出处:拓端数据部落公众号背景和定义线性混合模型假设N个受试者的群体