必应词典为您提供Latent-class-model的释义,网络释义: 潜在类别模型;潜在组模型;潜在类别模式;
这种情况下,使用潜增长曲线模型拟合我们的数据,或者说在我们的数据中建立潜增长模型将不合适,应该考虑到样本异质性问题,而能解决这一问题的模型之一便是潜类别增长模型(Latent Class Growth Model, LCGM)。 潜类别增长模型可以简单理解为:先将样本分成不同的潜类别组,然后在每个潜类别组中建立潜增长曲线模型去描述...
背景和定义 相比之下,潜在类别混合模型在于假设人口是异质的,并且由 G 潜在类别的受试者组成,其特征是 G 平均轨迹曲线。 潜类别混合模型 潜在类别成员由离散随机变量 ci 定义,如果主题 i 属于潜在类别 g (g = 1, …,G),则该变量等于 g。变量 ci 是潜在的;根据协变量 Xci 使用多项逻辑模型描述其概率: ...
Latent Class Model
Model 1 can be described graphically in terms of a path diagram (or a graphical model) in which manifest variables are not connected to each other directly, but indirectly through the common source X. The latent variable is assumed to explain all of the ...
Based on this model, we propose a laten- t class model-i-vector-probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (LCM-Ivec-PLDA) system. Besides, as the divided segments are very short, their neighbors are taken into consideration. To overcome the initial sensitivity problem, we use an agglomera- ...
潜在类别模型(Latent Class Model, LCM; Lazarsfeld & Henry, 1968)或潜在类别分析(Latent Class Analysis, LCA)是通过间断的潜变量即潜 在类别(Class)变量来解释外显指标间的关联,使外显指标间的关联通过潜在类别变量来估计,进而维持其局部独立性的统计方法(见图11)。其基本假设是,外显变量各种反应的概率分布可以...
With a latent-class model, each individual belongs to a single latent class, which determines the person's set of response probabilities for the observed, or manifest, variables. A more general model, proposed herein, adds a single parameter and involves drawing, separately and independently for ...
As an example, we used the LC cluster model to develop a segmentation of current bank customers based upon the types of accounts they have. Separate models were developed specifying different numbers of clusters and the model selected was the one that had the lowest BIC statistic. This criteria...
拓端tecdat|R语言潜类别混合效应模型(Latent Class Mixed Model ,LCMM)分析老年痴呆年龄数据,背景和定义线性混合模型假设N个受试者的群体是同质的,并且在群体水平上由独特的曲线Xi(t)β描述。相比之下,潜在类别混合模型在于假设人口是异质的,并且由G潜在类别的受试者组