In contrast to previous work, training diffusion models on such a representation allows for the first time to reach a near-optimal point between complexity reduction and detail preservation, greatly boosting visual fidelity. By introducing cross-attention layers into the model architecture, we turn ...
Hence, our compression model preserves details of x better (see Tab. 8). The full objective and training details can be found in the supplement. 3.2. Latent Diffusion Models 扩散模型 [82] 是一种概率模型,旨在通过逐渐对正态分布的变量进行去噪来学习数据分布 p(x),这相当于学习长度为 T 的固定...
t, y)来实现,并为通过输入 y(例如文本 [68]、语义图 [33, 61] 或其他图像到图像翻译任务[34]...
(Thus, we are free to choose the level of compression which optimally mediates between learning a powerful first stage, without leaving too much perceptual compression up to the generative diffusion model while guaranteeing highfidelity reconstructions) 虽然联合[93]或单独[80]学习编码/解码模型以及基于...
Sampling Steps(采样步数)Stable Diffusion 的⼯作⽅式是从以随机⾼斯噪声起步,向符合提⽰的...
latent diffusion modelpytorch代码 1.Transformer 主流的神经网络架构如卷积神经网络(CNNs)和循环神经网络(RNNs)的特点: CNNs 易于并行化,却不适合捕捉变长序列内的依赖关系。 RNNs 适合捕捉长距离变长序列的依赖,但是却难以实现并行化处理序列。 为了整合CNN和RNN的优势,[Vaswani et al., 2017] 创新性地使用...
本文组合了latent diffusion, Flow Matching 和 U-ViT来做image editing. Flow Matching 指的是让模型拟合linear interpolant的empricial vector field。然后用neural ODE来做不同分之间样本的转移。 U-ViT就是把diffusion model中U-Net的卷积block替换为transformer。
Text Encoder:Latent Diffusion 采用一个随机初始化的 Transformer (这个 Transformer 就是 ChatGPT 用的那个 Transformer,稍后我们会详细介绍)来编码 text,而 Stable Diffusion 采用一个预训练好的 Clip text encoder 来编码 text,预训练的 text model 往往要优于从零开始训练的模型。