In this paper, we design a stated preference survey and estimate a latent class logit model to study user behavior in the choice of nearby airports. The idea is to study if the choice of airport can indeed depend on the characteristics of the users and the purpose of their trip and if ...
(2003). Bayesian inference and model selection in latent class logit models with parameter constraints: an application to market segmentation. Journal of Applied Statistics 30, 191-204.Oh, M.-S., Choi, J.W., Kim, D.-G.: Bayesian inference and model selection in latent class logit models ...
A. (2013). Revealing additional dimensions of preference heterogeneity in a latent class mixed multinomial logit model. Applied Economics, 45(14), 1897-1902.Greene, W.H., Hensher, D.A.: Revealing additional dimensions of preference heterogeneity in a latent class mixed multinomial logit model. ...
A Latent Class Logit model was calibrated, taking into account attributes of cost, information inaccuracy, travel time, waiting time, and cut-offs in order to reveal preference heterogeneity in the perceived information. The calibrated model showed various sources of preference heterogeneity in the ...
A Latent Class Model is a statistical modeling technique that incorporates categorical latent variables, instead of continuous latent variables, to identify distinct subgroups or categories of individuals within a population. This approach is particularly useful in the analysis of longitudinal data and mode...
mixed logitThis paper describes Stata command lclogit2, an enhanced version of lclogit (Pacifico and Yoo, 2013). Like its predecessor, lclogit2 uses the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm to estimate latent class conditional logit (LCL) models. But it executes the EM algorithm's core ...
latent class modelThis study develops an electronic toll collection (ETC) disaggregate choice model based on a large-scale questionnaire survey of car drivers in Taiwan. To acknowledge the difference in preferences among car drivers, the latent class logit model is used to classify respondents into ...
This study develops an electronic toll collection (ETC) disaggregate choice model based on a large-scale questionnaire survey of car drivers in Taiwan. To acknowledge the difference in preferences among car drivers, the latent class logit model is used to classify respondents into different groups wi...
This chapter discusses latent-class models. The latent-class models assume that the relationships between several observed discrete variables can be explained by use of a log-linear model involving both these variables and one or more unobserved discrete variables. The usual assumption made in these ...
A latent class multinomial logit model is used to segment respondents in terms of their social activity location choices. The article reports findings of several descriptive analyses and the latent class model. Four latent classes are identified, showing different patterns in choices for social ...