my period is irregular, but going with last months cycle i would now be two weeks late. i keep having white discharge and i keep thinking im going to start my period but then i dont. i dont feel as if i am pregnant because i have hardly any symptoms other than tiredness. could i ...
Well now I'm two days late and cramping but getting nothing but white discharge...A whole bunch of things that I've read have said that this is a possible sign of pregnancy, but some others say no, but others say it could be stress. My grandma's been in the hospital, my sister'...
The white discharge you may see before your period is known asleukorrhea. It's filled with fluid and cells that are being shed from your vagina, and it may even look slightly yellow at times. This part of your menstrual cycle is called the luteal phase. It's when the hormone progesterone...
Wood fiber cell wall thickness best characterizes white bands found at the end of certain growth rings in Salix alba. Evidence suggests these features are
GMTWAs across the 2–8 h post-challenge time period were compared among the treatments using a mixed analysis of variance model for a three-period crossover design. The model included fixed factors for sequence, treatment, and period, and a random effect for patients within sequence. The ...
This time period is chosen for the ocean forcing experiments because it coincides with the ice sheet retreat phase reconstructed in refs. 8 and 9 and modeled in ref. 10. Once the anomalous warming ceases, the ocean forcing is again derived directly from TraCE-21ka. We run these experiments ...
Unfortunately, it is not possible to identify the respective role of these different islet-building agents in the sedimentary record, especially beyond the historical period due to the lack of record. Only assumptions can be made, based on the frequency of each agent. In the Tuamotu, tropical ...
Oxygen isotope data (18O) from four dominant foraminiferal taxa are presented for the time period covering the last 28 kyr. The 18O data from Globigerina bulloides, after correction for nonequilibrium precipitation, are used as a monitor of sea surface conditions during the winter-spring ...
she had white discharge too.. we have our exams coming..we are both too stressed..and does getting stressed cause late in periods? she said they are 2 days late.. is she pregnant?? any help would be appreciated.. Remove Ads mckaulysmummy216678over a year ago ...
The relationship between delirium duration, white matter integrity, and cognitive impairment in intensive care unit survivors as determined by diffusion tensor imaging: the VISIONS prospective cohort magnetic resonance imaging study*. Crit Care Med. 2012;40(7):2182-2189.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref ...