Thick white itchy smelly discharge with late period and pregnancy test is negative gurlfriend84781 over a year ago PLEASE see a doc soon, sounds like an std. could be chlamydia, gohneriah. Or just normal female bacterias that are out of control like a yeast infection or trickamonis. AL...
I've suffered from mucus-coated stools and a light anal discharge for years and years, after having a peri-anal abcscess misdiagnosed as piles at the age of 17. This resulted in having an urgent operation to drain the ruptured abcsess. 11 years after this surgery I was diagnosed with a...
When it comes to discharge, know that where you are in your monthly hormonal cycle is pretty much what will determine how it looks and feels from one day to the next. With thick white discharge specifically, it’s essentially a tale of two halves: one good; the other bad. ‘Vaginal ...
During this period, one might notice that the discharge changes its color and consistency. Since it consists of fluid and old cells that are being removed from the vagina, it might even look yellowish. The discharge consistency depends on the dominant hormone of the time. During the luteal pha...
Bo Xiao Kai will be painted their own chest and abdomen, chest and abdomen black hair full of white pulp Yulu, a small hand dew food imports, as a Ganquan. Like a rut after the beast is the beast Di rely on their own solution. Second night Xiongshou Dream Desire rising tension in ...
In addition to pre-late Weichselian sediments (Hillefors, 1974), the drumlin exposes over 20 m of diamicton with interbedded sequences of sorted clay, silt and gravelly sand in a coarsening-upward sequence. Based on logs, field sedimentology, grain size, structural analysis, and thin-...
I usually experience white viginal discharge a day after intercourse. My vigina itches when I get it and I feel like urinating very frequently, my urine burns alot. This usually lasts about a day to three days. I'm really clueless on what I should really do. ...
This water reaches low-permeability layers (i.e., bedrock) and flows laterally along their surfaces, transiently forming a groundwater zone above low-permeability layers in the downslope area. This groundwater zone shrinks through the discharge of water into streams after rainfall has ceased; it ...