It turns out that the front pull down works the same muscle groups just as, if not more effectively, than it's wayward cousin (the behind the neck pull down). In this study 10 rep max pull downs were looked at using four techniques 展开 关键词:...
Do not pull the bar down behind your head when doing wide-grip lat pulldowns. "The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research" notes it is not as effective as lat pulldowns to the top of your chest. According to strength coach Paul Chek, writing for the University of Washington, ...
除了挺胸曲背,我们做此动作时亦要把上身向后倾斜,使压力从后膊及上背转移至背阔肌,而理想的倾斜度为上身跟水平成70度。贴士#3 锁住肩胛骨 跟推胸一样,锁死肩胛骨可以减少你运用三角肌,稳定你的上背,锁住肩胛骨可为你的背部下拉带来截然不同的感觉。贴士#4 想像手肘发力 当你掌握了以上3点,准备向下拉...
The article offers tips on the proper execution of latissimus dorsi muscles pulldowns. Crunching the neck and curving one's back renders the exercise less effective and can cause muscle strains. The bar should be pulled down to the collarbone and a full range of motion should be allowed, ...
Do the same number of reps on both sides. 3. Resistance Band Lat Pulldowns You can also perform the lat pulldown using resistance bands; all you need is a suitable anchor point. You’ll need to fix your band overhead, but that’s easy to do. Just loop it over a roof joist or ...
1. 拉背机(Lat pulldown machine)这是一个多功能的训练器械,可以用于锻炼背部肌肉。该机器通常配备调节杠杆和坐垫,让用户可以根据自己的身高和需求来调整座位的高度。通过拉动杠杆向下,可以有效地锻炼背阔肌和大圆肌。2. 坐姿划船机(Seated row machine)这个机器可以帮助锻炼背部的中斜方肌和棘下肌。使用坐姿划船...
高拉训练机 Lat Pull Down,北京爱美健体育科技有限公司专注室内健身器材15年,咨询电话:010-58444887 技术咨询电话:张工 15313930117。技术参数:• 外观尺寸:47”x 55”x 98”(119 x 140 x 249 cm)•重量:435 lbs (197 kg)•配重:260 lbs (118 kg))•拨片式调
You think you’ve tried it all: wide-grip, narrow-grip, and you’ve even (carefully) ventured into the world of behind-the-necklat pulldowns. But if you haven’t yet opened the door to the reverse-grip lat pulldowns, you may be missing out on a lot of backandbiceps gains. ...
Lat Pulldowns ("BAD" FORM | BIG GAINS!)40 related questions found Which lat pulldown is best? The study concluded that when the primary objective of a lat pull down is considered the front of the head is a better choice than behind the head. Is lat pulldown worth it? Lat Pull-...
The lat pulldown is a cable-machine exercise that targets the latissimus dorsi, the broad muscle of the back located behind the ribs. When done with a parallel attachment, your hands are in neutral – or close – grip. Choosing a neutral grip provides greater range of motion and activates ...