We also discuss the published clinical experience with LiTT in the field of epilepsy surgery (approximately 200 cases) with regard to complications, LiTT-induced, long-term brain structural alterations, seizure outcome, preliminary neuropsychological findings and first estimates of treatment costs. Overall...
The surgical approach offers a safer and significantly less invasive alternative to craniotomy, currently the most commonly used cranial surgical treatment for epilepsy. For high-risk patients with deep brain lesions, this new technique is particularly significant because the MRI-guided laser probe uses...
The disorder is usually controlled with medication. However, more than 30 percent of people with epilepsy do not have seizure control even with medication and, until very recently, major brain surgery or implantation of a device have been their only treatment options. Minimally invasivelaser surgery...
Using pre- and post-surgical neuropsychological data at six months following surgery, the research compared the cognitive outcomes for 10 patients withtemporal lobe epilepsy(TLE) who had standard open surgical treatment with thecognitive outcomesof 7 patients who underwent SLA. The study found that th...
epilepsy or are pregnant, nursing, or plan to become pregnant while undergoing LHR treatments. Individuals who have used Accutane within the past 6 months or who use any medications requiring limited exposure to sunlight should postpone treatment. The laser is not effective on gray or blond (peach...
Food and Drug Administration in 2007 for the treatment of breast fibroadenomas that are 2 cm or less in size. It is also used for general surgery procedures (e.g., incision, excision and ablation of soft tissues; coagulative necrosis and interstitial laser coagulation of soft tissue). In ...
High-intensity laser therapy (HILT) is a recent treatment for musculoskeletal pain, but studies that support its use in CNNP are limited. The objective of this study is to assess the effect of high-intensity laser therapy on pain intensity in patients with CNNP, given the existing evidence on...
Laser therapy has been shown to stimulate the regeneration of bone, blood, the lining of blood vessels, cartilage, cochlear hair cells, central and peripheral nerve, and muscle. Moreover, it has been documented to enhance the quality of healed tissue. Laser therapy may be an ideal treatment....
Previous studies have demonstrated potential for thermal ablation as analternative treatmentoption for epilepsy patients who did not respond well to medication. However, the technology used in prior studies did not allow researchers to accurately monitor heat levels and preserve surrounding tissue. ...
Has epilepsy Has systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) – increased light sensitivity Has a history of dermal light sensitivity/rash Is currently taking or has taken Roaccutane in the past six months Has skin cancers or suspicious lesions in the treatment area Has an active skin infection in the ...