This technique may serve as a potential alternative to occipital access in laser surgery for epilepsy, in very specific situations. Conclusions The placement of a transorbital laser fiber for MRIgLITT targeting the temporomesial structures in epilepsy is anatomically feasible; however, the small size...
Minimally invasivelaser surgeryto treat epilepsy was first used late in 2010 at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston, which reported excellent results on six pediatric patients. A similar surgical technique has been used successfully for more than a decade to treat certain brain tumors. "This promi...
"Patients want to have their seizures eliminated, but don't want to have to 'give up anything' to get there. In theepilepsycommunity, we aim for 'no seizures, no side effects', and thus by minimizing the adverse cognitive effects from surgery we get closer to that goal, with the potent...
Yet epilepsy surgery continues to be underutilized as a medical therapy. An estimated 2% of potential candidates undergo surgery annually.7Reasons for underutilization may include fears of mortality or permanent morbidity from surgical complications. A trend in epilepsy surgery has been to reduce the a...
For decades, the most commonly used treatments for epilepsy were pharmaceuticals or resection surgery, which involves removing a segment of brain tissue from where the patient’s seizures originate. These remedies can work well and continue to be the best treatment option in many cases, but they ...
For decades, the most commonly used treatments for epilepsy were pharmaceuticals or resection surgery, which involves removing a segment of brain tiss
Interstitial laser ablation for epilepsy: beauty lies in the eye of the beholder doi:10.1136/jnnp-2023-332702EPILEPSYEPILEPSY, SURGERYJournal of Neurology,Neurosurgery & PsychiatryNaoum P IssaPeter Warnke
[7]Youngerman BE, Banu MA, Khan F, et al. Long-term outcomes of mesial temporal laser interstitial thermal therapy for drug-resistant epilepsy and subsequent surgery for seizure recurrence: a multi-centre cohort study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2023;94(11):879–886. ...
Surgery is less common, reserved for radiculopathies or spinal cord compressions, with better short-term results compared to long-term [1, 8]. Laser therapy is widely used in physical therapy for tissue repair, wound healing, and pain reduction in musculoskeletal conditions [9, 10]. Its ...
Laser Surgery Promising as Epilepsy CureKeagan Dysart