As generators of intense, spectrally pure radiation at optical frequencies, lasers serve not only as stabilized sources for frequency standards in that region of the spectrum, but equally importantly, they have changed the entire prospects of the microwave standards. They provide a means of slowing ...
aspectsofthelasercoolingofatoms areinvestigated theoretically. Moregenerally, theauthors investigate aprocessthrough which thekineticenergyofacollectionofresonant absorbers canbereduced byirradiating theseabsorbers withnear-resonant electromagnetic radiation.
Laser cooling and trapping of atoms 激光冷却和囚禁原子 原子是物质世界中基本粒子之一,尽管它们非常微小,但它们在许多科学和技术领域中发挥着重要作用。在这篇文章中,我将介绍激光冷却和囚禁原子的技术,这是一项重要的实验技术,它鼓励了物理学家、化学家、生物学家和工程师对原子行为的深入探索,并在几个领域创造...
A method for cooling atoms, having a plurality of magnetic sublevels, involves a laser. Specifically, multiple polarized coherent light sources of a predetermined wavelength are sequentially emitted to atoms to move the electrons of the atoms to a lower magnetic sublevels, hence cooling the atoms....
1) laser cooling and trapping atoms 激光冷却原子 2) laser cooling-Cs fountain 激光冷却铯原子喷泉 3) laser trapping and cooling of atoms 原子激光冷却与捕获 4) optical cooling and trapping 激光冷却与囚禁原子 5) laser cooling and trapping on strontium ...
Laser cooling: From atoms to moleculesNature Physics 6, 719 (2010). doi:10.1038/nphys1815Author: Andreas Trabesingerdoi:10.1038/nphys1815TrabesingerAndreasNature ResearchNature PhysicsAndreas Trabesinger. Laser cooling: From atoms to molecules. Nature Physics 6(10), 719-719 (2010)....
A laser system with a narrow generation line for secondary laser cooling of Sr atoms has been developed and investigated. It is planned to use ultracold Sr atoms loaded in an optical lattice in an optical frequency standard. To this end, a 689-nm semiconductor laser has been stabilised using...
H. Metcalf: ‘Laser cooling and magnetic trapping of neutral atoms’. In: Methods of Laser Spectroscopy , ed. by Y. Prior, A. Ben-Reuven, M. Rosenbluth (Plenum, New York 1986) p. 33H. Metcalf: Laser cooling and magnetic trapping of neutral atoms, in Methods of Laser Spectroscopy , ...
The time required for establishing a stationary distribution of two-level atoms in the field of a onedimensional standing light wave is studied with full allowance for recoil effects and spatial trapping. The dependences of the cooling time on the problem parameters are obtained, and their considera...
1960s A Burst of Discovery 1960 16 May Theodore Maiman demonstrates the first laser at Hughes Research Labs <--梅曼展示人类首个激光器 Ali Javan, William Bennett, and Donald Herriott operate the helium-neon laser atBell Labs; it is both the first gas laser and the first to emit continuous...