To regenerate and investigate these patterns, we have proposed three large scale brain network models (BNMS) by linking the neural mass model (NMM) of Stefanescu-Jirsa 2D (S-J 2D) with our own structural connectivity derived from the realistic biological data, so called, large-scale connectivi...
We provide an overview and comparison of several recent large-scale brain models. In addition to discussing challenges involved with building large neural models, we identify several expected benefits of pursuing such a research program. We argue that these benefits are only likely to be realized if...
Recently described, large-scale neural models have not bridged this gap between neural activity and biological function. In this work, we present a 2.5-million-neuron model of the brain (called "Spaun") that bridges this gap by exhibiting many different behaviors. The model is presented only ...
Giacopelli, G., Tegolo, D., Spera, al.On the structural connectivity of large-scale models of brain networks at cellular level.Sci Rep11, 4345 (2021). Download citation Received18 June 2020 ...
Cognitive activity requires the collective behavior of cortical, thalamic and spinal neurons across large-scale systems of the CNS. This paper provides an illustrated introduction to dynamic models of large-scale brain activity, from the tenets of the un
An international group of researchers has made a decisive step towards creating the technology to achieve simulations of brain-scale networks on future supercomputers of the exascale class. The breakthrough, published inFrontiers in Neuroinformatics, allows larger parts of the human brain to be represen...
Movement, cognition and perception arise from the collective activity of neurons within cortical circuits and across large-scale systems of the brain. While the causes of single neuron spikes have been understood for decades, the processes that support collective neural behavior in large-scale cortical...
We review current trends in the investigation of physiological, pharmacological, and pathological states of unconsciousness at the level of large-scale functional brain networks. We focus on the roles of brain connectivity, repertoire, graph-theoretical techniques, and neural dynamics in understanding the...
Large-scale intrinsic brain systems have been identified for exteroceptive senses (such as sight, hearing and touch). We introduce an analogous system for representing sensations from within the body, called interoception, and demonstrate its relation to regulating peripheral systems in the body, call...
models: one tracking past errors and the other past perturbations. These states influenced reaction times and speed errors, revealing how subjects strategize from trial history. Using local field potentials from over 100 brain regions, we found large-scale brain networks such as the dorsal attention...