几篇论文实现代码:《Large Brain Model for Learning Generic Representations with Tremendous EEG Data in BCI》(ICLR 2024) GitHub: github.com/935963004/LaBraM [fig5] 《Restoring Images in Adverse Wea...
米哈游资讯第437期 上海交通大学的吕宝粮教授团队携手上海零唯一思科技有限公司合作的“Large Brain Model for Learning Generic Representations with Tremendous EEG Data in BCI”(一个用大量脑机接口脑电数据学习通用表示的脑电大模型)论文被选为ICLR 2024 Spotlight论文。本届会议全球投稿7262篇论文,整体接收率约为31...
summing them, and using them to train a supervised linear model.bAt test-time, Aug-Linear can be interpreted exactly as a linear model. A linear coefficient for each ngram in the input is obtained by taking the dot product between the ngram’s embedding ...
Brain Agentis a distributed agent learning system for large-scale and multi-task reinforcement learning, developed byKakao Brain. Brain Agent is based on the V-trace actor-critic frameworkIMPALAand modifiesSample Factoryto utilize multiple GPUs and CPUs for a much higher throughput rate during traini...
The Healthy Brain Network Biobank: An open resource for transdiagnostic research in pediatric mental health and learning disorders Innovations in methods and technologies are equipping researchers with unprecedented capabilities for detecting and characterizing pathologic processes in the developing human brain....
In the next phase, deep learning occurs as the large language model begins to make connections between words and concepts. Deep learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that is designed to mimic how the human brain processes data. With extensive, proper training, deep learning uses a neur...
Flamingo:用于少样本学习的视觉语言模型Flamingo: a Visual Language Model for Few-Shot Learning LMM 的黎明:GPT-4V 的初步探索(愿景)The Dawn of LMMs: Preliminary Explorations with GPT-4V(vision) 输入这些奇怪的单词就会破坏 ChatGPT,但没人知道为什么ChatGPT Can Be Broken by Entering These Strange Words...
(Supplementary Fig.21). To characterize the underlying mechanism, we used RNAi-3 to knock downNELF-Bin various brain structures and cell types (Supplementary Fig.22a). For positive candidates, we further validated with the other two RNAi lines (Supplementary Fig.22b). In the end, we found ...
The direct training method is notable for enabling the training of large-scale SNNs, while brain-inspired methods such as plasticity, attention, and pruning algorithms improve the robustness and energy efficiency of SNNs. The ResNet structure and its variants have led to the development of large-...