The observed difference of ~9% in IS/AAR for different occlusion sites (LAD vs LCX) is in line with the observed greater loss of regional systolic function for anterior wall ischemia25, but was not observed for the outcome EF. The observed reduction of infarct size and EF when increasing ...
The surface of the anterior two-thirds of the tongue is raised in a series of elevations called ‘papillae’ (b) Taste buds are found around the base of circumvallate papillae and in fungiform papillae (c) The tongue muscle is composed of complex interlaced pattern of non-striated smooth mu...
Seldom it could be a cause of acute myocardial ischemia leading to a sudden cardiac death. SCAD consists of intramural hematoma formation or, rarely, intimal tears that initiate and propagate the dissection in the vessel wall. In rare cases, the SCAD occurs in male patients. We report the ...
The electrocardiogram showed ST-segment elevation in the anterior leads. The echocardiography investigation revealed hypokinesis in the proximal, medial and apical segments of the interventricular septum and anterior wall as well as the apex. During invasive coronary examination a large ICC between the ...
Inclusion criteria were: (1) age ≥ 18 years; (2) presence of acute ischemic lesions in the anterior circulation, confirmed by imaging methods (magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography); (3) received endovascular treatment. Exclusion criteria were: (1) TOAST-defined subtypes as ...
Anterior wall myocardial infarction in a 16-year-old man caused by coronary artery aneurysm during the outbreak of COVID-19 Here, we report a case of sudden acute myocardial infarction caused by large CAA during the home isolation. Case presentation: During the outbreak of ... W Ma,C Li,...
Nevertheless, even if regional effects such as wake-up-time shift could partially explain these differences, the patients in this time group had a significantly higher incidence of anterior wall MI and a signif- icantly lower rate of primary PCI. In 2,143 patients with ...
MI was induced by percutaneous balloon occlusion (60 min) of the mid portion of either the proximal left anterior descending (LAD, n = 8) or the circumflex (Cx) artery (n = 2), according to operator preference. The coronary occlusion was conducted at the mid portion of the ...
Careful suturing is exclusively performed during the anterior partial Dor fundoplication, close to the repaired esophageal hiatus. More importantly, we routinely admit postoperative extubated patients to the high dependency unit where they undergo invasive 24 hours monitoring. A cardiac echocardiogram is ...
In order to get complete exposure and resection of the lesion without causing too much ischemia and edema to adjacent normal brain tissue, the anterior part of the right temporal lobe was partially resected. After anterior temporal lobe resection, there was dura seen bulging into the surgical ...