Pashkow F, Holland R, Brooks H: Dynamic responsiveness of distant myocardium during transient anterior wall ischemia. (abstr) Am J Car- diol 33: 161, 1974Pashkow F, Holland R, Brooks H. Dynamic responsiveness of distant myocardium during transient anterior wall Ischemia (abstr) Am J Cardiol ...
Males typically have decreased activity in the inferior wall (Fig. 16-23). This is called diaphragmatic attenuation, meaning attenuation by subdiaphragmatic organs interpositioned between the heart and gamma camera. The amount of attenuation effect is dependent on patient size, shape, and internal ...
Although the remodeling of the heart12by the body10helps in maintaining the blood flow, it places the heart wall under considerable stress which eventually can result in congestive heart failure. While myocardial ischemia or infarction is the primary cause of death and disability in this country, ...
346-351 - Iconography : A New Application of the ST-HR Loop to Evaluate the Exercise-Induced Reversible Ischemia in Healed Anterior Wall Myocardial Infarction - EM|consulteSeiichi TaniaiYasushi KoideMasayuki YotsukuraTohru NishimuraEisei Kachi
Taniai S,Koide Y,Yotsukura M,et al.A new application of the ST-HR loop to evaluate the exercise-induced reversible ischemia in healed anterior wall myocardial infarction[].The American Journal of Cardiology.2006Taniai S,Koide Y,Yotsukura M,et al.A new application of the ST-HR loop to ...
Recent studies characterized the aqueous levels of inflammation and ischemia-related biomarkers in retinal ischemic conditions, including NVG with stable iris neovascularization after anti-VEGF treatment and photocoagulation. They showed a significantly higher level of VEGF-A, IL-8, and EPO in the ...
A possible mechanism is considered the steal phenomenon induced by the coronary fistula, leading to regional wall ischemia and resulting in a TM-like picture [5,14,15,16,17]. However, further research in this scientific direction could lead to thorough knowledge of the pathophysiological mechanism...
LITA is usually precluded as a conduit of choice for the LAD due to size, length and poor flow; chest wall adhesions from a previous surgery; injury at harvest; concerns for chest wall bleeding; and absence of survival benefit in the elderly. For diffuse long segment disease and dilated hea...