// 基于关联关系排序实现 Builder::macro('orderByWith', function ($relation, $column, $direction = 'asc'): Builder{ /** @var Builder $this */ if (is_string($relation)) { $relation = $this->getRelationWithoutConstraints($relation); } return $this->orderBy( $relation->getRelationExisten...
Snippets PHP Laravel Eloquent Sum of relation's column Laravel Eloquent Sum of relation's columnYou can use the sum method on an Eloquent relation to get the sum of a column's values.Here's an example of how you can use it:<?php $users = App\User::with('orders') ->whereHas('...
Relation::morphMap([ 'YourCustomMorphName' => YourModel::class, ]);For example, if you previously defined the following $morphClass:class User extends Model { protected $morphClass = 'user' }You should define the following morphMap in the boot method of your AppServiceProvider:...
Laravel Version: 8.83.16 PHP Version: 7.4 Database Driver & Version: Mysql 8 Description: I can't use cursorPaginate when I sort by id using join Steps To Reproduce: $model = MyModel::find(1); $order = 'desc'; $items = $model ->movimenta...
publicfunctionbelongsTo($related,$foreignKey=null,$ownerKey=null,$relation=null) 其中第一个参数是关联模型的类名。 第二个参数是当前模型类所属表的外键,在本例中是 user_profiles 表的 user_id 字段,拼接规则和 hasOne 那里类似,只不过这里是基于第四个参数关联关系名称 $relation: ...
1、安装并配置 laravel-admin v2(贝塔版);2、composer require zhaiduting/column-relation(最新 v4 版);3、在文件 app\Admin\bootstrap.php 中添加如下代码加载扩展use Encore\Admin\Table\Column; use Zhaiduting\ColumnRelation\Relate; Column::extend('relate', Relate::class);...
Laravel 4.1.29 对于所有的数据库驱动加强了 column quoting 的部分。当你的模型中 没有 使用fillable 属性时,他保护你的应用程序不会受到 mass assignment 漏洞影响。如果你在模型中使用 fillable 属性来防范 mass assignment,你的应用程序将不会有漏洞。然而,如果你使用 guarded 并传递用户控制的数组到「更新」或...
The commentable_type column is how the ORM determines which "type" of owning model to return when accessing the commentable relation.Model StructureNext, let's examine the model definitions needed to build this relationship:<?php namespace App; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class Comment...
// Add the following code to the file app\Admin\bootstrap.php use Encore\Admin\Table\Column; use Zhaiduting\ColumnRelation\Relate; Column::extend('relate', Relate::class); 使用 在laravel-admin 的控制器中,可以类似于下面这样使用 relate(..) // e.g: use relate(..) in the app\Admin\...
Model::with('relation')->get(); Model::all()->take(10); Model::all()->skip(10); // 默认的 Eloquent 排序是上升排序 Model::all()->orderBy('column'); Model::all()->orderBy('column','desc'); 软删除 Model::withTrashed()->where('cars', 2)->get(); // 在查询结果中包括带...