The Laravel Orderby works by simply sorting the results of the query. So if the column has a list of 20 data, it can sort the list by the parameter provided. One can also create an order in an ascending or a Descending Order. By Ascending Order: $users = DB::table('users')->ord...
So, what we need to do: Prepare the project and seed the data Get the Product data grouped by color name Get all Sizes to populate the column names Present it all in Blade, including empty values Here's the screenshot of the table I got at the end: Now, let's build it step by ...
// #1 Using relationship $result = $category->descendants; // #2 Using a query $result = $category->descendants()->get(); // #3 Getting descendants by primary key $result = app('rinvex.categories.category')->descendantsOf($id); // #3 Get descendants and the category by id $...
In addition to customizing the name of the joining table, you may also customize the column names of the keys on the table by passing additional arguments to the belongsToMany method. The third argument is the foreign key name of the model on which you are defining the relationship, while ...
There are two other methods you may use to create models by mass assigning attributes: firstOrCreate and firstOrNew. The firstOrCreate method will attempt to locate a database record using the given column / value pairs. If the model can not be found in the database, a record will be ...
// Unknown column 'updated_at' in 'field list' 这又是什么鬼?我们的表里没有这个字段呀。 其实,这也是默认 Model 的一种机制。对于 Laravel 中标准的 Eloquent 模型类来说,每个表都应该有两个字段,一个是 updated_at ,另一个是 created_at ,分别是两个时间戳字段,用于记录数据的创建时间和修改时间。其...
laravel eloquent withsum, laravel eloquent withcount, laravel withSum() example, laravel withCount() example, withcount laravel example, withsum laravel example, laravel sum relationship column
接下来就是怎么使用的问题了。 Route::get('model/test/relationship',function() { $id=(int)request()->get('id',0); $info=\App\Models\MTest::find($id); dump($info); dump
orderBy($column, $direction = 'asc'); with(array $relations); has(string $relation); whereHas(string $relation, closure $closure); hidden(array $fields); visible(array $fields); scopeQuery(Closure $scope); getFieldsSearchable(); setPresenter($presenter); skipPresenter($status = true);Prett...
再看一个使用query builder特性的例子:$roles=App\User::find(1)->roles()->orderBy('name')->get() 也可以在访问relation的同时访问pivot表数据: public function roles(){$this->belongsToMany('App\Role')->withPivot('column1_in_pivot','c2_in_pivot')} ...