默认情况下,Laravel 会在你的应用中的全局中间件栈中包含 TrimStrings 和ConvertEmptyStringsToNull 中间件。这些中间件在 App\Http\Kernel 类中。因此,如果您不希望验证程序将「null」值视为无效的,您通常需要将「可选」的请求字段标记为 nullable。$this->validate($request, [ 'title' => 'required|unique:...
匹配', 'required_if:anotherfield,value,...' => '如果指定的anotherfield等于value时,被验证的字段必须存在且不为空', 'required_unless:anotherfield,value,...' => '如果指定的anotherfield等于value时,被验证的字段不必存在', 'required_with:foo,bar,...' => '只要指定的其它字段中有任意一个字段...
if ($errors->has('email')) { //}自定义错误消息如果有需要的话,你也可以自定义错误消息取代默认值进行验证。有几种方法可以指定自定义消息。首先,你可以将自定义消息作为第三个参数传递给 Validator::make 方法:$messages = [ 'required' => 'The :attribute field is required.',];$validator = ...
Required Without All Required Array Keys Same Size Sometimes Starts With String Timezone Unique (Database) URL UUIDaccepted待验证字段必须是 yes,on,1 或true。这对于验证「服务条款」的接受或类似字段时很有用。accepted_if:anotherfield,value,...如果另一个正在验证的字段等于指定的值,则验证中的字段必须...
Validator::make($request->all(), [ 'credit_card_number' => 'required_if:payment_type,cc']);如果这个验证规则失败了,它将产生以下错误信息:The credit card number field is required when payment type is cc.你可以在 lang/xx/validation.php 语言文件中通过定义一个 values 数组来指定一个更友好的...
If the incoming HTTP request contains "nested" field data, you may specify these fields in your validation rules using "dot" syntax:$request->validate([ 'title' => 'required|unique:posts|max:255', 'author.name' => 'required', 'author.description' => 'required', ]);...
'optional_value'=>'boolean|required_if:some_bool,true|nullable' But this does not produce the desired result ifsome_bool = trueandoptional_value = null- it should be invalid, but it allows the field to pass as valid. Is there any way to correctly validate an optional value to be a pa...
This token is used to verify that the authenticated user is the one actually making the requests to the application.Anytime you define a HTML form in your application, you should include a hidden CSRF token field in the form so that the CSRF protection middleware can validate the request. ...
When a submission comes in with a filled honeypot field, this package will discard that request. On top of that this package also checks how long it took to submit the form. This is done using a timestamp in another invisible field. If the form was submitted in a ridiculously short time...
Insideapp/directory, create a new folder called Domain and into this, create another folder calledTeacher, in this folder, create the Teacher.php file which will contain the Teacher entity, as shown in the picture: The Teacher entity will have the attributes: $id and $name, in addition, it...