代码语言:txt 复制 use App\Models\User; // 检查 users 表是否为空 $isTableEmpty = User::count() === 0; if ($isTableEmpty) { echo "表是空的"; } else { echo "表不为空"; } 使用Query Builder 如果你不想使用 Eloquent ORM,也可以使用 Query Builder 来实现相同的功能。 代码语言:txt 复...
1$query->join('table', function ($join) { 2 $join->on('foo', 'bar')->where('bar', 'baz'); 3});The operator of the on clause is now validated and can no longer contain invalid values. If you were relying on this feature (e.g. $join->on('foo', 'in', DB::raw('("...
A default value may be passed as the third argument to the method. This value will be returned if the key doesn't exist:use Illuminate\Support\Arr; $value = Arr::pull($array, $key, $default);Arr::query()The Arr::query method converts the array into a query string:...
$filter->wherefunction(// logger($this->input);if($this->input==1)$query->whereNull('jz_cx_gid');elseif($this->input==2)$query->whereNotNull('jz_cx_gid');},'gid是否为空')->radio([''=>'不作选择',1=>'为空',2=>'不为空',]);...
// Edit file `app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php`, add the following code into method `boot` // If no variable $events, you can also call Facade \Event::listen(). $events->listen('laravels.received_request', function (\Illuminate\Http\Request $req, $app) { $req->query->set('...
if(is_string($arguments[0])){returnapp('cache')->get(...$arguments);} 判断第一个位置参数,如果是字符串,那么推断用户就是要获取的键名。那就实例化Cache类并调用get方法获取缓存值。 代码语言:javascript 复制 if(!is_array($arguments[0])){thrownewException('When setting a value in the cache,...
{if(!is_array($arr)) {return$query; }foreach($arras$key =>$value) { $query= $query->where($key, $value); }return$query; } 这样子,上面的语句就可以这么使用: Student::multiwhere([‘female’=>1, ’teacher_id’ =>4, ‘class_id’ =>3])->get(); ...
The captured referer is (from high to low priority): Theutm_sourcequery parameter, or: The domain from the request'sRefererheader if there's an external host in the URL, or: Empty An empty referer will never overwrite an exisiting referer. So if a visitor comes from google.com and visit...
This is due to using implicit route model binding in Laravel. Once in place, Laravel will help to inject the instance CEO into our methods and return a 404 status code if not found. This makes it very easy to use the instance of the model directly, without necessarily running a query ...