In Laravel 3.2 I could do this to check if a specific table existed in the database: // Get the connection type (production/development/mysql/sqlite???) $default = Config::get('database.default'); // Get the available db connections $connections = Config::get('database.connections');...
laravel 中数据验证使用 Validator::make(data,rules,[messages],[attribute]) 函数来实现: $param = [ 'id' => intval(...'title' => 'required|max:255', ]; $attribute = [ 'id' => '封面id', 'title' => '标题', ]; //参数有四个 要校验的数据...; if ($validator->fails()) { ...
laravel 中数据验证使用 Validator::make(data,rules,[messages],[attribute]) 函数来实现: $param = [ 'id' => intval(...'title' => 'required|max:255', ]; $attribute = [ 'id' => '封面id', 'title' => '标题', ]; //参数有四个 要校验的数据...; if ($validator->fails()) { ...
];if(!$ArticleValidate->check($request_data)) { var_dump($ArticleValidate->getError()); } } check 方法中总共有四个参数,第一个要验证的数据,第二个验证规则,第三个自定义错误信息,第四个验证场景,其中 2,3,4 非必传。 如果验证未通过我们调用 getError() 方法来输出错误信息,getError()暂不支...
If you were previously using the has method to determine if an Illuminate\Support\MessageBag instance contained any messages, you should use the count method instead. The has method now requires a parameter and only determines if a specific key exists in the message bag....
if($request->is('admin/*')) { // } Retrieving The Request URL To retrieve the full URL for the incoming request you may use theurlorfullUrlmethods. Theurlmethod will return the URL without the query string, while thefullUrlmethod includes the query string: ...
You can open uploaded files directly from the Request instance. It's probably better to first save the uploaded file in case the request aborts, but if you want to, you can open a UploadedFile instance: class UploadVideoController { public function __invoke(Request $request) { FFMpeg::open...
Laravel 5.3 的 Auth 认证在 5.2 的基础上又有一些改变,本文说明如何在 Laravel 5.3 下做不同用户表的登录认证。 Auth 认证原理简述 Laravel 的认证是使用guard与provider配合完成,guard负责认证的业务逻辑,认证信息的服务端保存等;provider负责提供认证信息的持久化数据提供。
('files', $files);}public function check(Request $request){$path = $request->input('path', $this->path);$filename = $request->input('filename', null);if($filename){if(!file_exists($path . $filename)){Flash::error('磁盘文件已删除,刷新文件列表');}else{Flash::success('文件有效...
I just want to check when the user clicks update and the request data is already existed in the database, It will throw error. @tykus 0 Level 6 Subscriber Scooby Posted 4 years ago Maybe something like this.. $schedule = Schedule::find($id); if ($schedule->exists()) { // dd...