The Eloquent ORM included with Laravel provides you with an easy way of interacting with your database. This simplifies all CRUD (Create, read, update, and delete) operations and any other database queries. In this tutorial, you will learn how to check if a record exists with Laravel Eloque...
For example, if you previously defined the following $morphClass:class User extends Model { protected $morphClass = 'user' }You should define the following morphMap in the boot method of your AppServiceProvider:use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation; Relation::morphMap([ 'user' =>...
This method will return true if the user is authenticated:use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth; if (Auth::check()) { // The user is logged in... }Even though it is possible to determine if a user is authenticated using the check method, you will typically use a middleware to verify ...
('files', $files);}public function check(Request $request){$path = $request->input('path', $this->path);$filename = $request->input('filename', null);if($filename){if(!file_exists($path . $filename)){Flash::error('磁盘文件已删除,刷新文件列表');}else{Flash::success('文件有效...
这个问题已经困扰好久了,唉 比较难受,本来学习laravel使用的是Bootstrap,之后用的是Uploadify进行上传图片,无奈,这个技术需要Flash的支持,一直没有实现,后来思考再三,还是选择用Layui后台框架进行设计,emm~~~毕竟用他的组件可以实现和Uploadify一样的无刷新上传图片的效果,但是比较难受的就是Laravel使用Layui进行...
but be aware that it will generate a route for every single record in your permalinks table, so I DO NOT recommend it if you have a large amount of permalinks, as you may end up with a huge base64 encoded string in your bootstrap/cache/routes.php which may really slow down your appl...
To check if the type for the Elasticquent model exists yet, use typeExists:$typeExists = Book::typeExists();Indexing DocumentsTo index all the entries in an Eloquent model, use addAllToIndex:Book::addAllToIndex();You can also index a collection of models:...
So, you need to check if there exists a Schedule in our database with the same combination of values. So you do this $existing_schedule = Schedule::where('teacher', $request->teacher) ->where('subject_code_id', $request->subject) ->where('room_id', $request->room) ->where('start...
For usage outside Laravel, check out theCapsule managerand add: $capsule->getDatabaseManager()->extend('mongodb', function($config, $name) { $config['name'] = $name; return new Jenssegers\Mongodb\Connection($config); }); 1.