Hello! I am trying to convert my Laravel 9 project's front-end bundling. it was an old project and I'm pretty sure that laravel 9 has a documentation of laravel-mix before. but when I checked it today, it was replaced with vite. I'm having trouble mi
Laravel Shift发布了一个免费的Laravel Mix to Vite转换器。这将是最简单的更新方式,因为 Shift 会自动执行所有操作。 Laravel Vite 迁移指南- 官方 Laravel Vite 插件包含深入的迁移指南。 Christoph Rumpel写了一篇教程将 Laravel Webpack 项目迁移到 Vite。 Freek Van der Herten写了一篇教程,让 Vite 和 Valet ...
The Vite Converter automates the upgrade of your Laravel application from using Laravel Mix to Vite.
按照laravel 文档Installing Laravel Breeze操作时,会遇到各种问题,这里简单做下总结 使用mix打包 创建database.sqlite cd database sqlite3 .open database.sqlite 修改resources/views/app.blade.php <!-- @vite('resources/js/app.js') --> 修改webpack.mix.js constmix=require('laravel-mix');constpath=re...
Before transitioning to Vite, new Laravel applications utilized Mix, which is powered by webpack, when bundling assets. Vite focuses on providing a faster and more productive experience when building rich JavaScript applications. If you are developing a Single Page Application (SPA), including those...
Vite has replaced Laravel Mix in new Laravel installations. For Mix documentation, please visit theofficial Laravel Mixwebsite. If you would like to switch to Vite, please see ourVite migration guide.
I followed these instructions: https://github.com/laravel/vite-plugin/blob/main/UPGRADE.md#migrating-from-laravel-mix-to-vite The assets resources/css/app.css and resources/js/app.js are not served when i start hot-reloading on Sail via sail npm run dev (= vite) , if i did not build...
Migrating from Laravel Mix to Vite Note This upgrade guide does not cover all possible Mix use cases, such as Sass compilation. Please consult theVite documentationfor information on configuring Vite for these scenarios. Update Laravel Framework ...
Vite has replaced Laravel Mix in new Laravel installations. For Mix documentation, please visit theofficial Laravel Mixwebsite. If you would like to switch to Vite, please see ourVite migration guide. 成为Laravel合作伙伴 Laravel Partners是提供一流Laravel开发和咨询服务的精英商店。我们每个合作伙伴都可...
使用Laravel Mix或Vite编译前端资源: npm run dev 设置文件权限 确保Laravel应用的storage和bootstrap/cache目录具有正确的权限: sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/myproject sudo chmod -R775/var/www/html/myproject/storage /var/www/html/myproject/bootstrap/cache ...