After that is done we need to update ourvite.config.jsfile to use the new path in itsinputarray. // vite.config.jsexportdefaultdefineConfig({plugins: [ laravel({input: ['resources/scss/app.scss','resources/js/app.js'],refresh:true, }), ] }); ...
Change the Vite config so that when you open the Laravel website your web client will find assets at the correct Vite instanace host/port. vite.config.js: plugins: [ ... ], server: { hmr: { host: process.env.CODESPACE_NAME ? process.env.CODESPACE_NAME + '' ...
vite.config.js Added the project files for the seeding example. Jan 5, 2025 Repository files navigation README Laravel seeding example This is a simple example of adding test data to the database through seeding in Laravel. The project show a list of students through a web page (http://lo...
By using this HTML code, you import Bootstrap version 5.2.3 and Vite to bundle the JavaScript and CSS assets. The generated page has a header with a navbar and a footer with the scripts called below it. In the body, dynamic content renders from other Blade files with the help of@yield...
In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a real-time chat application using Laravel, Vue.js, and Pusher. You'll use the Laravel framework to build the back end of the chat application, a combination of Blade templates and Vue.js to develop the user interface and layout of the appl...
You can use Tailwind CSS in frontend web projects, including JavaScript frameworks like React.js, Next.js, Laravel, Vite, Gatsby, etc. Pros and Cons of Tailwind CSS Here are some of the advantages of using Tailwind CSS: Faster development process Helps you practice your CSS more as the util...
Vite 3 is here! What’s new + how to migrate David Nwadiogbu 25 July 2022 Free Lesson Inside Lightning Fast Builds w/ Vite Learn about Vite, the lightning-fast and lean build tool and dev server, billed as the next generation of front end tooling. Taught by its creator, Evan You. ...
The first step to setting up the front-end with React is to create a new React application. This can be done via theCLIin your chosen directory with the following command: npm create vite@latest blogreact -- --template react cd blogreact ...
My side project Readclip, which I built with Go and Vite, only takes up around 60MB in Docker image size. If I compare this image size to Docker images for Laravel, Ruby, or Remix, my stack produces a much smaller image size. Well, You might think docker image size isn't a big ...
Some frameworks, like Laravel, come with a webpack wrapper or asset compiler ready out of the box. Webpack, Vite, and other libraries simply compile your front-end Node application into code ready to be run by client-side. In the example below, we show how to setup and configure Laravel...