You can learn more about Herd by checking out theHerd documentation for Windows. Docker Installation Using Sail We want it to be as easy as possible to get started with Laravel regardless of your preferred operating system. So, there are a variety of options for developing and running a Larav...
在创建第一个 Laravel 项目之前,请确保本地计算机已安装 PHP 和Composer。如果你在 macOS 或 Windows 上开发,可以通过Laravel Herd在几分钟内安装 PHP、Composer、Node 和 NPM。 安装好 PHP 和 Composer 后,可以通过 Composer 的create-project命令创建一个新的 Laravel 项目: ...
8、前往 Docker 官网下载 Docker Desktop: ,下载完成后点击安装包安装,一直下一步即可。 9、提示:WSL 2 installation is incomplete. WSL 2 安装不完整。如图8 图8 1 2 3 4 WSL 2 installation is incomplete. The WSL 2 Linux kernel i...
didix16commentedDec 11, 2024 Installer Version 5.11.0 Description I'm on Windows 11 machine using 8.2 PHP version. While trying to install Laravel using the installer, after choosing the testing framework I've got an exception. PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefinedfunctionLaravel\In...
You can download the Windows installer for Herd on the Herd website. After the installation finishes, you can start Herd to complete the onboarding process and access the Herd UI for the first time.The Herd UI is accessible by left-clicking on Herd's system tray icon. A right-click ...
【实施工程师】——超级贴心的PHP【laravel框架安装】步骤实在是太详细了,必须点赞收藏。 环境要求: 系统:win10 php版本:7.0+ composer服务下载: 安装Composer 测试Composer 输入【composer】测试是否安装成功
#Windows... init.bat Finally, you will need to regenerate your Homestead virtual machine to utilize the latest Vagrant installation: vagrantup Daily Usage Connecting via SSH You can SSH into your virtual machine by executing thevagrant sshterminal command from your Homestead directory. ...
nickfan SA @
Thank you for considering contributing to Socialite! The contribution guide can be found in theLaravel documentation. Code of Conduct In order to ensure that the Laravel community is welcoming to all, please review and abide by theCode of Conduct. ...