Description: Try up build docker-compose up -d nginx mysql phpmyadminand get error ERR_SOCKET_TIMEOUT, detected in nginx Expected Behavior: I was hoping to build a system with nginx, mysql and phpmyadmin for a laravel project, based on i...
Linux macOS I am a Mac user and I will show you the exact steps to install Docker on a Mac. If you use Windows or Linux, please refer to the instructions (I don’t have a Windows or Linux Desktop computer to try). Docker Desktop for Macis the name of the software you need to i...
openSUSEを設定する。(ビデの14分10秒~20分50秒) ABAPをインストール準備作業。(windows側) ダウンロードしたABAPのrarファイルを7zipで解凍する。(TD752SP04part01.rarのみ) 最新のライセンスファイル「SYBASE_ASE_TestDrive.lic」を「/mnt/hgfs/unpack_path/server/TAR/x86_64」にコピーする ...
MY SOLUTION WINDOWS 10 x 64 bits WAMP user with Laravel, after weeks of slow composer update and composer require you need a thing called cacert.pem then paste that file in your wamp main directory C:\wamp64\cacert.pem then in the search tab ...
How to Solve Error Message Building wheel for psycopg2 ( ... error error: subprocess-exited-with-error when installing psycopg2 using pip command in Microsoft Windows
在laravel同一张表的链式操作中 orwhere导致where失效的问题 如图中所示,当上面的三个条件同时满足时,下面的orwhere后面的他条件会使前面的两个where条件失效 解决办法: 让下面的orwhere形成一个闭包的环境... 50行代码实现的艺术签名设计微信小程序,轻松对接公众号,涨粉神器,学习赚钱两不误.微信公众号引流工具.html...
一、在给两台win10开发环境配置访问地址与域名映射 1、找到c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc目录下的host 2、在host文件给分别添加127.0.0.1为10.204.3.20:8090);为10.204.3.223:8090) 3.保存后分别重启 二、安装NGIN... ...
问题 新建 laravel 项目后yarn 或 npm install 命令的时候,总不尽人意 解决 查看 npm 配置 npm config list 将 npm 源切换至淘宝源npm config set registry 通过 npm 全局安装 yar...
I recently installed Laravel Octane with FrankenPHP using Docker on my Windows machine, and I'm eager to evaluate its performance. Could anyone provide guidance on how to effectively test the performance of my Laravel application running in this setup? I'm looking fo...
There is nothing that I find intuitive about it, it is a pain in the rectum, and it forces me to use the Windows command prompt, to which I am allergic. Yes, you heard right, I run WAMP on a Windows machine because that's what I do. Has anyone written a version of Laravel that...