Authenticate A User By IDTo authenticate a user using their database record's primary key, you may use the loginUsingId method. This method accepts the primary key of the user you wish to authenticate:Auth::loginUsingId(1);You may pass a boolean value as the second argument to the ...
public function onReceive(Server $server, $fd, $reactorId, $data) { $port = $this->swoolePort; // Get the `Swoole\Server\Port` object } namespace App\Http\Controllers; class TestController extends Controller { public function test() { /**@var \Swoole\Http\Server|\Swoole\WebSocket\Serve...
An array of contextual data may also be passed to the function:logger('User has logged in.', ['id' => $user->id]);A logger instance will be returned if no value is passed to the function:logger()->error('You are not allowed here.');...
WebDriverBy 是查询方式对象,提供了下面几个常用的方式 WebDriverBy::id($id) 根据 ID 查找元素 WebDriverBy::className($className) 根据 class 查找元素 WebDriverBy::cssSelector($selctor) 根据通用的 css 选择器查询 WebDriverBy::name($name) 根据元素的 name 属性查询 WebDriverBy::linkText($text) 根据...
delete($id) deleteWhere(array $where) orderBy($column, $direction = 'asc') with(array $relations) hidden(array $fields) visible(array $fields) scopeQuery(Closure $scope) getFieldsSearchable() setPresenter($presenter) skipPresenter($status = true)Prettus...
将原来的HTML删了,添加一个id为app的div,在其中使用app.js 中注册的组件,需要注意的就是要添加crsf-Token的验证meta标签,和引入 app.js 文件,这个js文件也可以去根目录中的 webpack.mix.js 文集中修改。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制
and my Database Model Relationship On theCLIENTside classClientextendsModel{useSoftDeletes;protected$dates= ['deleted_at'];// Table Nameprotected$table='clients';// Primary Keypublic$primaryKey='id';// Timestampspublic$timestamps=true;
var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('main')); option = { title : { text: 'World Population (2010)', subtext: 'from United Nations, Total population, both sexes combined, as of 1 July (thousands)', sublink : '', left:...
git config --global userName git config --global userEmail 91699d6 shop-laravel / public / vendor / laravel-admin-ext / wang-editor / wangEditor-3.0.10 / release /
注意在这里我们使用了laravel5提供的route model binding特性,我们在控制器中使用Task类typehinting了task参数,而该task参数,而该task参数和routes.php中定义的wildcast路由Route::get('tasks/{task}','xxx'}定义的task相匹配,因此laravel在调用我们的控制器时自动注入Task模型(以id为索引)。这个功能后续再做进一步的...