'name')->find($id);//查询某几个字段$result= User::select('id','name')->where('id',$id)->first();//查询某几个字段$result= User::where('id',$id)->first(['id', 'name']);//查询某几个字段
在执行 Eloqument 查询后,你可以使用 map 来修改行。 $users = User::where('role_id', 1)->get->map(function(User $user) { $user->some_column = some_function($user); return$user; }); 08: 轻松的使用 dd 在Eloqument 的最后加上 $test->dd,来代替 dd($result)。 // 优化前 $users ...
Laravel - Name而不是ID Laravel是一种流行的开源PHP框架,用于快速构建高质量的Web应用程序。它提供了简洁优雅的语法和丰富的功能,使开发人员能够更轻松地编写可维护和可扩展的代码。 Laravel的主要特点包括: MVC架构:Laravel采用了经典的MVC(Model-View-Controller)架构,将应用程序的不同部分分离,提高了代码的可读性...
$result = app('rinvex.categories.category')->withDepth()->find($id); $depth = $result->depth;Root category will be at level 0. Children of root categories will have a level of 1, etc. To get categories of specified level, you can apply having constraint:$result = app('rinvex....
RemoteWebDriver::findElements(WebDriverBy) 获取元素列表 WebDriverBy 是查询方式对象,提供了下面几个常用的方式 WebDriverBy::id($id) 根据 ID 查找元素 WebDriverBy::className($className) 根据 class 查找元素 WebDriverBy::cssSelector($selctor) 根据通用的 css 选择器查询 ...
id) }}">{{{$article->title }}} by{{{$article->user->nickname }}} posted on {{$article->created_at->format('Y/m/d H:i') }} under @foreach($article->tagsas$tag){{$tag->name }}@endforeach @if($article->summary){{$article->summary }}<...
We can use the Eloquent findOrFail method to retrieve a model by ID or throw a 404 exception if the model does not exist. Once we retrieve the model, we will use the delete method to delete the record. Once the record is deleted, we will redirect the user back to the / URL:Route:...
publicfunctionshow(string$id):Response { returnInertia::render('Users/Profile', [ 'user'=>User::findOrFail($id) ]); } } An Inertia page corresponds to a Vue or React component, typically stored within theresources/js/Pagesdirectory of your application. The data given to the page via the...
namespace App\Http\Controllers; class TestController extends Controller { public function push() { $fd = 1; // Find fd by userId from a map [userId=>fd]. /**@var \Swoole\WebSocket\Server $swoole */ $swoole = app('swoole'); $success = $swoole->push($fd, 'Push data to fd#1 ...
On login, the server finds the user by credentials provided, generates a token based on user info (id, email ...) (this token is not saved anywhere) then the server returns a response with an encrypted cookie that contains the generated token. ...