laravel用composer 安装,在终端输入laravel new blog(project name)得时候,出现了以下问题laravel: command not found</span> 查看技术文档这么Make sure to place the ~/.composer/vendor/bin directory in your PATH so the laravel executable can be located by your system. 应当是要让~/.composer/vendor/bin...
还有就是 nano ~/.bashrc 输⼊:alias laravel='~/.composer/vendor/bin/laravel'保存然后在终端输⼊:source ~/.bashrc 关闭终端输⼊laravel new blog 可⾏。好了,问题解决。以上这篇laravel 出现command not found问题的解决⽅案就是⼩编分享给⼤家的全部内容了,希望能给⼤家⼀个参考,也希望...
I placed the command(?) for my path in the .bashrc file but after a re open of my terminal the command Laravel was not found. I knew from previous times this thing was a pain in the ass and I am also not very familiar with all those things in the command line so this is kinda ...
laravel 出现command not found问题的解决方案 今天开始学习laravel,laravel用composer 安装,在终端输入laravel new blog(project name)得时候,出现了以下问题laravel: command not found</span 查看技术文档这么Make sure to place the ~/.composer/vendor/bin directory in your PATH so the laravel executable can ...
zsh: command not found: laravel I tried the other answers from the answered questions but they seem be old and do not work. I am on Mac with macOS Mojave. I have the following in the ~/.zshrc files export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Users/harshamv/.comp...
简介:Windows下laravel/lumen中执行phpunit报phpunit: command not found解决办法 找了很多解决方法都是把vendor目录删掉,然后重新composerupdate;实际操作下来在windows中并不起作用。 Windows下还需要在系统路径中添加phpunit的路径。 添加方式 我的电脑-属性-高级系统设置-环境变量-用户变量 ...
Mac laravel: command not found 如果用的oh-my-zsh 安装laravel 提示找不到。可以试试下面的 export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:~/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH 我用这个是可行的。
ubuntu laravel: command not found helaravelexecutable can be located by your system. 应当是要让~/.composer/vendor/bin/laravel在ubuntu的环境变量里面。在网上查看资料发现了有以下解决方案: export PATH="~/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH" 尽管可行,但是当终端关闭之后,就不行了。也就是每次创建项目的时候都...
我们将以ipconfig命令为例说明错误的原因。...比如这个bash: command not found命令未找到,错误已经给出了提示。你的shell找不到你输入的命令。...确保该命令已安装在你的系统上这是bash: command not found命令未找到错误,另一个常见原因。如果尚未安装,则无法运行命令。...你可以使用以下which命令检查命令二...