2.laravel: command not found 肯定是laravel命令没在系统里面,按照网上的教程添加 nano ~/.bashrc alias laravel='~/.composer/vendor/bin/laravel' ctrl+x 退出,Y保存, source ~/.bashrc 3.-bash: /root/.composer/vendor/bin/laravel: No such file or directory 路径不对,那么我们就去找正确的路径好 a...
1. "Command not found" 或 "命令未找到":这表示系统无法找到要执行的命令。可能是由于laravel框架未正确安装或配置。解决方法是确保laravel框架正确安装,并且可执行...
Laravel依赖Composer,所以需要先安装Composer 安装ComposerUbuntu安装Composer 安装Laravel cd ~ sudo composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1" # 安装完成之后ls -al 你会看到一个.composer 的文件夹,将其下的vendor下的bin目录添加到PATH中 sudo vim ~/.profile # (or .bashrc 如果你用的zsh也可以编辑....
ubuntu laravel: command not found helaravelexecutable can be located by your system. 应当是要让~/.composer/vendor/bin/laravel在ubuntu的环境变量里面。在网上查看资料发现了有以下解决方案: export PATH="~/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH" 尽管可行,但是当终端关闭之后,就不行了。也就是每次创建项目的时候都...
如果提示screen: command not found 命令不存在可以执行:yum install screen 或 apt-get install screen安装,详细内容参考screen教程。 2. 下载并安装LNMP一键安装包: 您可以选择使用下载版(推荐美国及海外VPS或空间较小用户使用)或者完整版(推荐国内VPS使用,国内用户可用在下载中找国内下载地址替换),两者没什么区别,...
ubuntu安装laravel/lumen5.6 使用命令 composer global require "laravel/lumen-installer" 安装报下错误 问题1:file_put_contents(./composer.json): failed to open stream: Permission denied 解决办法:sudo chown -R $USER ~/.composer/ 问题2:由于是国外镜像时间过长解决办法如下 ...
If the Redis server is not running, you need to start it using the appropriate command for your operating system. For example, on Ubuntu, you can run the following command: sudo service redis-server start 1. Make sure to start the Redis server before attempting to connect to it from your...
When customizing Homestead, Ubuntu may ask you if you would like to keep a package's original configuration or overwrite it with a new configuration file. To avoid this, you should use the following command when installing packages to avoid overwriting any configuration previously written by ...
When customizing Homestead, Ubuntu may ask you if you would like to keep a package's original configuration or overwrite it with a new configuration file. To avoid this, you should use the following command when installing packages in order to avoid overwriting any configuration previously written...