Laravel Cashier provides an expressive, fluent interface to Stripe's subscription billing services. - Change "name" column to "type" (#1620) · gui-ant/laravel-billable@2205495
$table->unsignedTinyInteger('step')->default(0)->comment('步骤,1:排队中;2:下载 ZIP;3:解压缩 ZIP;4:执行安装命令;5:复制主题文件;6:同步主题的素材至CDN')->change(); }); 2、执行迁移时报错,Doctrine\DBAL\Exception : Unknown column type “tinyinteger” requested.。如图1 ...
Schema::table('users',function($table) { $table->string('name',50)->change(); }); We could also modify a column to be nullable: Schema::table('users',function($table) { $table->string('name',50)->nullable()->change();
if (Schema::hasColumn('users', 'email')) { // }Database Connection & Table OptionsIf you want to perform a schema operation on a database connection that is not your default connection, use the connection method:Schema::connection('foo')->create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {...
Here defined a table named "wsTable" 'size' => 102400,// The max size 'column' => [// Define the columns ['name' => 'value', 'type' => \Swoole\Table::TYPE_INT, 'size' => 8], ], ], //...Define the other tables ], // ... ];2.Access Table: all table instances ...
Default Created Table Here, you will see the default created table screenshot. Way 1: Create Migration Create new migration using following command: php artisan make:migration change_datatype_column Now, You can update it as like the bellow: ...
In Laravel 5.3, all "pivot" table models for belongsToMany relationships used the same built-in Pivot model instance. In Laravel 5.4, you may define custom models for your pivot tables. If you would like to define a custom model to represent the intermediate table of your relationship, use...
Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->integer('votes')->nullable()->change();}); In Laravel 10, this migration would retain theunsigned,default, andcommentattributes on the column. However, in Laravel 11, the migration must now also include all of the attributes ...
更新列属性 change 方法允许你修改已存在的列为新的类型,或者修改列的属性。例如,你可能想要增 加 string 类型列的尺寸,让 name 列的尺寸从 25 增加到 50: Schema::table(users, function ($table) { $table-string(name, 50)-change(); }); 我们还可以修改该列允许 NULL 值: Schema::table(users, ...