Laravel Auth::guard(guard)->check()是Laravel框架中用于检查用户是否已经通过认证的方法。它的预期工作是根据指定的guard参数来检查对应的认证驱动是否已经认证了当前用户。 在Laravel中,guard参数用于指定要使用的认证驱动,通常有两个默认的guard:web和api。web guard用于Web应用程序的认证,而api guard...
laravel5.6 使用手动认证 auth,Auth::check () 总是验证不了: 这是我的 auth.php 配置文件:'defaults' => [ 'guard' => 'admin', 'passwords' => 'users', ], 'guards' => [ 'admin' => [ 'driver' => 'session', 'provider' =
Auth::guard是Laravel中用于身份验证和授权的功能之一。然而,在Laravel 8中,有时会遇到一个问题,即无法将Laravel 8门与Auth::guard一起使用。 这个问题通常是由于配置或代码错误导致的。首先,我们需要确保在config/auth.php文件中正确配置了guards和providers。guards定义了不同的认证守卫,而providers定义了用于认证的用...
auth()->user()->id)->where('is_deleted', 'not_deleted')->get()->count(); } else { $count = Complaint::where('status', '!=', null)->where('is_deleted', 'not_deleted')->get()->count(); } laravel
I have created this small app using laravel + vue js 2 years ago. It has been working fine till now but the server guys moved it to different server and suddenly I have started getting unauthenticated error on all pages. The login form works and it g
Auth::login() seems not to be working all right... Route::get('/login', function() { $credentials = array('u_username' => 'user', 'password' => 'pass123'); if(Auth::attempt($credentials, true)){ Auth::login(Auth::user(), true); // print user information print_r(Auth::us...
*/publicfunctionauthorize(){return\Auth::check(); }/** * Get the validation rules that apply to the request. * *@returnarray */publicfunctionrules(){return[// 'name' => 'required|min:5|max:255']; }/** * Get the validation attributes that apply to the request. ...
Hi, I looking at Laravel 5.2 and the easy to use "make:auth" and the multi-auth. I think there is a bug because in the generated middleware "App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate" at handle() method call the $guard parameter is always null. S...
We will access Laravel's authentication services via the Auth facade, so we'll need to make sure to import the Auth facade at the top of the class. Next, let's check out the attempt method:<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use Auth; use Illuminate\Routing\Controller; class Auth...
如果您需要手动验证用户密码,则可以使用 Laravel8 中的 Hash 类。该类提供了一个 check 方法,该方法将用户输入的密码与已散列存储的密码进行比较。下面是示例代码:if (Hash::check('plain-text', $hashedPassword)) { // The passwords match... } 复制在上面的示例代码中,我们使用 check 方法手动验证用户...