//Illuminate\Auth\SessionGuardpublicfunctionattempt(array$credentials= [],$remember=false){$this->fireAttemptEvent($credentials,$remember);$this->lastAttempted =$user=$this->provider->retrieveByCredentials($credentials);// If an implementation of UserInterface was returned, we'll ask the provider//...
@auth和@guest指令可用于快速判断当前用户是否登录: @auth// 用户已登录...@endauth@guest// 用户未登录...@endguest 如果需要的话,你也可以在使用@auth和@guest的时候指定认证 guard: @auth('admin')// The user is authenticated...@endauth@guest('admin')// The user is not authenticated...@endg...
我正在开发一个 Laravel 应用程序,并且有一个功能可以导出根据用户提交到表单的输入生成的 PDF 文件。我试图根据 PHP 变量之一的值将该 PDF 的内容设为有条件的,因此已将 @if、 @else 和 @endif 条件添加到刀片文件中,但由于某种原因,现在尝试导出 PDF 时在控制台中出现错误:...
Middleware Authenticate AuthenticateWithBasicAuth Authorize EnsureEmailIsVerified RedirectIfAuthenticated RequirePassword Notifications Passwords AuthManager AuthServiceProvider Authenticatable AuthenticationException CreatesUserProviders DatabaseUserProvider EloquentUserProvider ...
我使用Laravel 5,它预先设置了登录页面.我想从数据库(如site_name )获取一些信息,并将其显示在登录页面上。但不确定如何在文件routes.php中配置'auth' =settings = Settings::findOrFail(1); return view('welc 浏览4提问于2015-02-23得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 哪种方法适用于拉拉5号和安古拉杰的标签冲突...
如何在同一网站多个地方使用laravel进行认证 、、 当使用laravel/UI时,我们可以在多个地方或为多个用户创建身份验证脚手架,比如admin,普通用户通过复制粘贴由&-auth标志生成的相同的脚手架。我们如何使用Fortify授权管理员和普通用户? 浏览6提问于2020-09-18得票数6 ...
new Dsn('smtps', 'example.com', self::USER, self::PASSWORD, 99, ['auth_mode' => 'login']), So when Laravel send the value $config with encryption, symfony/mailer simply ignores it: framework/src/Illuminate/Mail/MailManager.php Lines 202 to 209 in b9df1f7 $transport = $factory...
Laravel API Classes Namespaces Interfaces Traits Index Searchclass Illuminate \ Validation \ Rules \ RequiredIf RequiredIf class RequiredIf (View source) Propertiescallable|bool $condition The condition that validates the attribute.Methodsvoid __construct(callable|bool $condition) Create a new required...
Another quick tip for you guys from Laravel world - this time it's about Blade template engine. We have all been in a situation where we had to write something like this: @if (!Auth::check()) Please log in. @endif It works and it's ok to write it but Laravel has a way ...
Just make sure you change the app\Middleware\CheckIfAdmin.php middleware to actually check that the logged in user is an admin. You can find more information about how to customize the Auth process in this FAQ - https://backpackforlaravel.com/docs/5.x/base-how-to#authentication-1 Hope ...