这种过滤器被称为 DoG 过滤器(Difference of Gaussians)。另外在1982年,Marr已经提出 LoG 过滤器(实际上是 DoG )在生物视觉处理具有重要的作用。 DoB (Difference og Boxes)滤波器是一种对于 LoG 更为粗糙的近似,但其计算速度更快,它只是两个大小不同的均值滤波器之间的差值,其可以产生 LoG 滤波器的一种平方...
这是复杂的分割不希望有的结果;最后Laplacian算子不能检测边缘的方向;所以Laplacian在分割中所起的作用包括:(1)利用它的零交叉性质进行边缘定位;(2)确定一个像素是在一条边缘暗的一面还是亮的一面;一般使用的是高斯型拉普拉斯算子(Laplacian of a Gaussian,LoG),由于二阶...
最后Laplacian算子不能检测边缘的方向;所以Laplacian在分割中所起的作用包括:(1)利用它的零交叉性质进行边缘定位;(2)确定一个像素是在一条边缘暗的一面还是亮的一面;一般使用的是高斯型拉普拉斯算子(Laplacian of a Gaussian,LoG),由于二阶导数是线性运算,利用LoG卷积一幅图像与首先使用高斯型平滑函数卷积改图像,...
sigma=2;%Standarddeviation of theGaussianfilter hsize=2*ceil(3*sigma)+1;%Filtersize gaussian_filter=fspecial('gaussian',hsize,sigma); The code above creates the gaussian filter.Here, we define the standard deviation sigma of the Gaussian filter and calculate the filter size hsize based on the...
%sigma:高斯滤波标准差 %输出: %imgOut:处理后的二值图像 imgIn=double(imgIn); [m,n]=size(imgIn); %高斯滤波直接调用MATLAB中已有的函数 gaussFilter=fspecial('gaussian', [5,5],sigma); imgIn=imfilter(imgIn,gaussFilter,'replicate');
Free-field or Gaussian theories19,20,21 have allowed to Kadanoff’s intuitive ideas to be moved to a quantitative level2,22. In this specific case, the RG is profoundly linked with diffusion equations23, which, in the particular case of graphs, take the form of the Laplacian matrix24. In...
The aim of this paper is to revisit the definition of differential operators on hypergraphs, which are a natural extension of graphs in systems based on in
2016-04-17 19:26 −DoG(Difference of Gaussian) DoG (Difference of Gaussian)是灰度图像增强和角点检测的方法,其做法较简单,证明较复杂,具体讲解如下: Difference of Gaussian(DOG)是高斯函数的差分。我们已经知道可以通过将图像与高斯函数进行卷... ...
Co-kriging methods have been extensively investigated in this context8,9,10,11, where the multi-fidelity response is expressed as a weighted sum of two Gaussian processes, one modeling the low-fidelity data, and the other representing the discrepancy between the low- and high-fidelity data. ...
Our first aim is to prove semigroup characterizations of these spaces by using the heat and Poisson semigroups associated with the discrete Laplacian, \(-\Delta _d.\) The heat kernel associated with the discrete Laplacian neither has Gaussian control at zero, see [14, 23], nor satisfies a...